Thursday, December 1, 2011

Girls, Only I Would Start Out December With Such Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, you have GOT to see "Desecration!" If you are looking for something with nuns that is decidedly NOT "The Sound Of Music," "The Trouble With Angels," or even "Doubt," this is the film for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the first film made by acclaimed, but known only to some, horror director, Dante Tomaselli. His film, "Horror," which I have seen, and own, contains what I still consider to be the Best Performance On Film By A Goat!!!!!!!! That's right; a goat, darlings!!!!!!!!!

"Desecration," which runs only a mere 88 minutes, is tailor made not only for horror fans, but also lapsed Catholics, who still have issues they want to get rid of. I am telling you, for this group, "Desecration" deals with all issues, and will exorcise them from you!!!!!!!!!!!

It deals with the still ongoing relationship between a 16-year-old boy, and his deceased mother. The boy, Bobby, is holed up in some kind of orphanage, run by demented, diabolical, and, of course, sexually repressed, nuns. Girls, you have just GOT to see the Opening Sequence, where one of the nuns is killed by Bobby's flying toy plane!!!!!!!!!!

And how about the surrealistic, nightmare dream sequence, of the teenaged Bobby, diapered, but with a huge basket, darlings, imprisoned in a cage, contained within an adult sized surreal nursery, where his dead mother appears over him and abuses him by splashing milk on him from a bottle?????????? Honey, I haven't seen anything THIS twisted since the 1973 Ruth Roman film, "The Baby." Which Channel 9 here in New York used to run all the time from about the mid-70's to mid-80's!!!!!!!!
You have GOT to see this one, too, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But nothing can match the--I swear, I am not kidding--Flying Scissors Sequence. A nun is alone in her room, going through some papers,. when she cuts herself on a pair of scissors, concealed underneath. Nursing her wound, she places them on an adjoining table. Several minutes later, with ominous music, a statue of the Virgin, atop her closet shelf, begins to teeter, then falls to the floor, smashing into bits!!!!!!!!!! Whereupon the scissors takes on a life of its own, flies into the air, and strikes the nun in the back!!!!!!!!!! She screams, and tries to get the thing lose, but can't reach back far enough. Her screams summon one of the other Sisters, who attempt to open the door, but it is locked!!!!!! Inside, the attacked Sister screams continuously, as the scissors, removes itself, flying thorugh the air to strike her in the wrist (which it almost removes), cheek, and right underneath the neck, whereupon she crumbles on the floor with a dead look on her face, as the other nun gets the door open, finally, and witnesses the corpse!!!!!!!!

"Desecration" is a hoot, darlings, and this scene had me in stitches!!!!!! It is also one of the hardest films to find, BUT if you want to get a taste, go on YouTube, where you can see the excerpts I have described, for yourself. There is also a website for the director, Dante Tomaselli (who hails from Paterson, New Jersey, where they made another Catholic Classic, "Communion" the one where Brooke Shields turns out be murdered by the deranged, moralistic, yet sexually unfulfilled, priest housekeeper, Mrs. Tredoni!!!!!! That is one you have to see, too!), where you can see these and clips from some of his other films!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This may not be the most apt way to start December, but it is MY way!!!!!!! Happy Holidays to all from those crazy nuns!!!!!!!!!!!!

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