Thursday, December 29, 2011

Girls, Moviegoing Just Is Not the Fun Experience It Once Was!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I go any further, I just want to throw out a few observations about my moviegoing experiences this week; that is, my experience as an audience member!!!!!

Now, darlings, I know school is out. I have taken the week off from work, and I may not be the only one.

But, honestly, does anyone in New York WORK?????

I say this, because I thought going to the movies in the afternoon would be pleasurable and relaxing; if not a private screening, then at least a quiet one. Well, the two films I went to--"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and "Young Adult"--seemed to me to be as packed as on a Friday night!!!!!

And have New York audiences gotten dumb???? Because I went to see "The Muppets" in Pennsylvania, on Christmas Eve Day, yet, and let me tell you,it was a more civilized experience!!!!!

At 'Dragon Tattoo', a mother actually brought her two small children, ages five and seven, approximately, with her!!!!! To a film where, among so many things, a girl is violently raped, and then anally rapes her rapist???? What kind of thinking is this???? And not being able to get a baby sitter does not cut it!!!! Hey, lady, if your children are screwed up by the time they reach adolescence, you have only yourself to blame!!!! And, remember, loves, you heard it first here!

Honestly, yesterday afternoon, I was in the basement of the Strand bookstore, in the True Crime section, looking for books on the John List case, when I thought I saw this woman there!!!! Oh, really????? Same red hair, short height, flipped up, and everything!!!! Maybe I should be a detective, loves!!! What's she looking for, how to off the kids??? Then she should read the Alice Crimmins case!!!! Maybe that is what she was looking for!!!! Hell, lady, you've already traumatized them with 'Dragon Tattoo;' you are well on your way!!!!

I love the not so subtle advertising messages movies throw out these days about audience behavior--"Inconsiderate Cell Phone Man," "That Guy"--except no one now is heeding them; they are ALL these characters!!!! And you should hear some of the moronic comments out of people's mouths; don't they know what they have come to see??? I bet during the "Iron Lady" trailer, few people in the audience knew Meryl Streep was portraying Margaret Thatcher!!!!!

Things were not much better at my screening of "Young Adult." I heard so many of the audience, on the way out, calling Charlize Theron's character, Mavis Gary, "bitch" that it was clear to me they did not get what they had seen. Mavis was not a bitch; she was damaged and in pain!!!!! My audience at this film were on a par with the dumb suburban yokels portrayed in the film!!!!!

Which brings me to another point!!!! Why are these types allowed in to quality movies???? There is plenty of trash out there; let them go see that!!!! If they want to see quality fare, they have to EARN that privilege; they should be screened beforehand!!!! Even if that reduces the audience to five people!!!! Hell, at least it would be a decent screening!!!!!

And if these types want to see such a film, confine these pigs to their own pen; let them see it in an auditorium where they don't bother us more serious minded viewers!!!

It used to be you went into Manhattan to movies for a more sophisticated experience and audience!!!! Has that gone down the tubes!!!! When I get a more civilized experience in suburban PA, you have to wonder what the world is coming to!!!!!

Maybe the Apocalypse WILL be in 2012!!!!!!! Get your wardrobes ready now, girls, just in case!!!!!!!!!!!!

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