Thursday, December 29, 2011

Darlings, The Most Important Thing I Learned From This Film Is That When You Look Like Charlize Theron, You Can Afford To Eat Ice Cream Out Of The Tub

Girls, contrast my 'Dragon Tattoo' experience on Tuesday, with yesterday's at "Young Adult." I walked out of the theater blissfully happy over having seen a truly good film, with a striking performance by the visually and dramatically striking Charlize Theron!!!! What gets me is how many people don't get Mavis, her character, thinking she is an out and out bitch!!!! She really isn't; she is just someone who makes the mistake of going back to a place she has not only outgrown, but was probably too good for, in the first place!!!!!

No wonder she scarfs down ice cream and fast food!!!! Because, in a place like Mercury, Minnesota, what else is there to eat???? Has anyone there heard of artichokes???? Probably not!!!!! Or Cabernet Sauvignon?????

So, she drinks!!!! Honey, if I was in that burg, I would be drinking, too!!! It gives her something to do, makes her less bored, and keeps her pumped up enough with anger for the big scene when she tells off all the yokels who deserve to be told off, in the first place!!!!!

And I just LOVED her dog, Dolce!!!! Named after guess what designer, loves??????

Charlize nails this character head on. And is matched every step of the way by Patton Oswalt, as townie Matt!!!! When it is first learned what happened to him--he was victimized in a hate crime by jocks who PERCEIVED him to be gay, though he is not--I was, at first, pissed that screenwriter Diablo Cody did not make the character gay. However, as the film, and Oswalt's performance, went on, I actually realized it was more interesting than if he was (gay, I mean!!!), because it brings an entirely new dimension into the picture of how wrong hate crimes truly are, and, there was something touching about how he and Mavis--a girl he worshipped from afar back in high school, but who never gave him the time of day--connect emotionally, and, even more touchingly, physically. I could relate to this, darlings; it would be like, say, if Roberta and I were to meet in the city and have lunch at Bergdorf's, which I can tell you right now ain't gonna happen, because she is so stuck in her Lincoln Avenue outlook, which landed her in Demarest and hooking up with Bernie Madoff that you know she has not changed; just the same stuck up, and (I will say this!!!) anti-Christian bitch I knew as far back as seventh grade!!!!

So, there is plenty of emotional resonance for me here, darlings!!!!!

But the way audiences knock Mavis in this film!!!! Give me a break!!!! Beth, wife of Buddy Slade, (Patrick Wilson) is a suburban frump. She does make an effort, and when Mavis reveals about the miscarriage of she and Buddy's baby years before, Beth is clearly shocked, which gives you some sympathy towards her, as she has some genuine compassion, unlike the rest of these yokels (save Matt), and we sympathize with her further, as she comes to realize she is married to a real schmuck, which Buddy is!!!!!!!

And, yet, people say Mavis is the bitch????? Who are the stupid ones here?????
As for the others, Cody gets the whole suburban thing right; even Matt is a loser reduced to living in his home basement,and working at a sports bar!!!!!! Gag me with a spoon, darlings!!!!! Let me say, when I heard the part about him, living at home in his basement, I could not believe the movie was not set in New Jersey, because, I am willing to bet it has more of these types, per capita, than any other state in the country. Just ask me, and anyone who knew me then, about a guy named Ronald!!!!
'Nuff said!!!!!!!

Call ME a bitch, darlings (and sometimes you might be right), but I thought "Young Adult" was refreshing and uplifting!!!!! Not that anything wouldn't be, after the abysmal 'Dragon Tattoo', but this was truly exceptional!!!!!

In fact, I think I will go out today, like Mavis, and have a few drinks!!!!!
Why don't you join me, girls?????????????????

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