Thursday, December 29, 2011

Girls, To Make Up For Last Week, Two Bitches For The Price Of One!!!!!

Earlier this year, darlings, you may recall my naming my former high school French teacher, Mrs. Alice C. Santamarina (now pushing up daisies!!!!) as BOTW!!!! Well, while checking up on the Tyler Clementi situation, I came across two pieces of work that make Santamarina tame by comparison!!!!!

The winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award are Christie Wilt, and her Teacher's Aide, Kelly Chaffins!!!!

Both are Special Ed teachers at Miami Trace Middle School, in Washington, Ohio. Or, rather, were; since this story was leaked in November, Wilt has been placed on unpaid leave, and is virtually gone from there--and good riddance!!!!--while Chaffins resigned; her husband said, "the same thing happened last year." And they don't have a clue why????

It is bad enough when kids are bullied by their peers, as I can attest, but how much worse is it when done so by your teachers???? And not just subtly, like Santamarina; these two--who taught Special Needs students--are seen verbally harassing a 14-year-old girl, named Cheyanne. How about this????

"You are just too lazy, and your family is lazy."

"No wonder no one likes you."

"No wonder you haven't any friends."

And more and worse. I say, boil these bitches in oil!!! Can you believe these two got teaching licences???? Not for long, I hope!!!! And let me tell you, there are other teachers out there just like this. Which, of course, the schools, till pressured, don't want to deal with. What about the damage being done to students, who are in many ways already damaged????? I say rake these two over the coals as a wake up call to rotten instructors. Just like Tyler Clementi alerted many to peer bullying, I think these two should blow a whistle on Teacher Bullying. If it had been my child, let me tell you, I would have gone in there, and smacked them right across the face!!! In fact, place these two in a pillory--you know, the stocks--and let every parent of every student they ever taught take a crack at them!!!!!!!

Now, that is what I call Justice!!!!!! Then prohibit them from ever teaching again!!!!!

At year's end, we could not come up with two more apt bitches than than these!!!!!

Which is why I say sometimes they had the right idea, at the Salem Witch trials!!!!!!!!!!!

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