Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Girls, This Is The Most Important VOGUE This Year, Next To The September Issue!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I was just informed this very morning, and am letting you know, and see for yourselves, ASAP, that Meryl Streep is on the cover of this month's VOGUE, and doesn't she look FABULOUS, girls??????????? And being photographed by Annie Liebowitz in that seaside setting captures and pays homage to Meryl standing by the water at the start of one of her greatest dramatic successes, "The French Lieutenant's Woman," which made me swoon thirty years ago, as this cover now does today!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe this is Miss Streep's first appearance on the mag's cover. The only thing I have to say to Anna is--it's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You had better believe Anna was on hand to oversee that THIS cover came off as well as it did!!!!!!!!! Wonder if Meryl and Anna had time for a little chit chat??????
You know, I would have just LOVED to have been a fly on THAT wall!!!!!!!!!

All this on the tail end of my groundbreaking proposal for Meryl taking on the role of Willy Loman!!!!!!!!! Do I have timing, or what, darlings?????????? Does this mean Meryl may be mulling this idea over???????? She may, though, with her renowned graciousness, I am sure she does not want to take the role away from Philip Seymour Hoffman. Let Meryl do Willy in another production, which you know I will be sure NOT to miss!!!!!!!!

But this VOGUE cover is classic, girls, and it demands to be owned and them framed on your wall!!!!!!!!! With the Eyes Of Meryl upon you, you will all be obligated to look your best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I know you do, anyway, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

You better believe I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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