Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh, My Dears, That Graydon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, of course I am talking about Graydon Carter, the Editor-In-Chief of Vanity Fair Magazine, the owner of the Waverly Inn in the West Village on Bank Street, and the Monkey Bar on East 54th Street!!!!!!!! Spank that monkey, Graydon!!!!!!!!!!

What I want to know is, who does Graydon Carter think he is?????? Some male knockoff of Anna??????? Honey, with that awful looking hair style, he can hardly hold a candle to Anna. And have you seen the floridness of his skin, and those puffy cheeks???? Grady likes to imbibe, girls, and from what I can tell, he likes to do it A LOT.

As for his wife, Anna Scott, she looks like she is someone in her forties still trying to be Hayley Mills in her teens!!!!!!! You can bet she is Graydon's beard....because....come on, now!!!!!!!!!! Vanity Fair????????? The Waverly Inn?????
The Monkey Bar??????? Let's just say they do not go with the Super Bowl, loves, and leave it at that!!!!!!!!!!

It is no wonder Graydon has been avoiding me. After all the time of late I spend in his nabe, and still not an invite to the Waverly Inn!!!!!! Listen, Grady, baby, I remember when the restaurant was a pleasant repast out of E.M. Forester, not some high end faux place where a table is erected to Fran Lebowitz!!!!!!!!!!! I am telling you here and now, you better watch out, Grady, dear, if the Raving Queen comes by; just ask the people at the now defunct Paris Commune, and those still over at the Strand bookstore!!!!!!! If I come there, and the service and cuisine are anything LESS than sterling, you know it will be recorded on here!!!!!!! And if you are so fortunate to be granted favored remarks from moi, then you had better have a table of my own placed right across from Fran Lebowitz (with a mural of me to match hers!!!!!) so that both of us can hold court; that way all of New York's most important, hangers-on, and wannabes can simply drift back and forth from her table to mine, to get the rush of prestige association, let alone mention on this blog, they all avidly crave!!!!!!!!!!

Graydon, honey, get with the program!!!!!!!! Go to Bergdorf's, and for God's sake let Arriette do something with your hair. Get me into the Waverly Inn during this holiday season. Don't worry about the Monkey Bar, darling; I can infiltrate that place myself!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can only hide for so long, Graydon!!!!!!! But you cannot hide from the Raving Queen, and all MY girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Season's Greetings, Doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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