Darlings, I know you must be wondering why I haven't written anything on here of late about Tyler Clementi. Well, that is simply because there wasn't much to write.
Until now.
This morning, I found out that, like the class act they have been all along, the Clementis--Mother Jane, Father Joe, and Brothers Brian and James--are speaking out about the horrific tragedy they have been through, which a community, a nation, hell, the entire world, empathized with them, whose suffering was beyond anything we could imagine. Or would want to.
But there is good news this morning for Tyler supporters, and those of us who wish to prevent such future tragedies.
The Tyler Clementi Foundation has been established in his name, sanctioned by the family, to help others, parents and children alike, whose children may be struggling with their sexual identities.
Once again, I have to say Tyler was a gutsy kid--coming out to his folks just days before leaving for college, at the tender age of 18. More than I could have done, darlings.
I think his father gave him the wisest advice, "Be careful," he said. Because not everyone will be so accepting." How tragically prophetic those words were.
The initial meeting between Tyler and Ravi is recounted. It is said Ravi would not even look or speak to Tyler, until his father made him go over and introduce himself. As Mr. Clementi opined, it made him wonder, in retrospect.
There is given a lovely glimpse of Tyler as an individual. At 9, he taught himself to ride a unicycle--something I have always wanted to do myself, girls!!!!!--and by his teens was often seen riding it through his neighborhood while playing the violin. Talented fellow, that Tyler.
On the anniversary of his death, they did something he liked--they went to the local mall. No different from any other teenager, and, being gay, I am sure Tyler was adept at shopping till he dropped. From just the few pics seen, we know he knew how to dress, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!
Jane Clementi says a day does not pass without thinking of him. She is not alone, I am sure. I cannot vividly think about Tyler, whom I never met, without tears coming to my eyes. When the prayer mood strikes, there is always something offered for him, one that offers him compassion and mercy in the wake of his tragedy.
But you have to hand it to the Clementis. Once again, a class act. They waited, they grieved, and now they felt the time is right. We should all be proud of them, and of Tyler. Because I think this is of vast importance to MY girls, I am providing some key information in the hope that we will all act in some way with the Foundation--not just to honor Tyler Clementi, but to prevent, as best we can, from another family and child going through what the Clementis and Tyler did.
Solidarity, darlings!!!!!!! Now--
The Tyler Clementi Foundation
P.O.Box 54
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Email-- outreach@thetylerclementifoundation.org
I plan to donate, or volunteer services, if I can!!!!!!!! I want to see all my girls out there!!!!!!!!!!
To Tyler, and His Legacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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