Friday, December 9, 2011

Darlings, Why Should A Fellow Want A Girl, Like Her??????????

Girls, word is out on this one just this morning!!!!!! The news on the Rialto is that a full scale Broadway production is being planned for--are you ready???--"Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the Cinderella, darlings, that so many of us grew up on in the Sixties, long before we realized Julie Andrews had done the role, back in 1957. The Cinderella of our generation was Lesley Ann Warren, though, as you would expect from me, lambs, I just LOVED the Stepsisters, played by Pat Carroll and Barbara Ruick. And their song, the "Stepsisters' Lament," is one of my favorite from the entire score. And you know I am just dying to perform it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!

I propose that my friend David in Chicago fly east, and we audition for these roles. With costumes to match, we would knock them dead!!!!!!!! The way I see it, David would play Pat, and I Barbara, because, while these roles were originated in 1957 by Kaye Ballard and Alice Ghostley, I see us more as Pat and Barbara, than Kaye and Alice.

And who would play the Stepmother????????? Anna Wintour???????? Judi Dench????? My choice would be Meryl Streep; girls, she would be a hoot, and bring just the right amount of tongue-in-cheekiness to the part!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine, David and I working with Meryl!!!!!!!!! It could happen,loves, if we audition!!!!!!!!!!!

And we would tie for TONY Awards, believe me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Unfortunately, this is going to be another misfire like the current wrong headed revival of On a Clear Day. With a new book by Douglas Carter Beane, Cinderella will now teach the prince about civility, and the show will be chock full of "relevant" political satire to make it more adult oriented. Here's an idea: why can't they just create their own NEW show with these themes and leave R&H's Cinderella alone?

  2. As soon as I saw the name Douglas Carter Beane in your comment, I knoew to groan, because this means trouble!!!! I saw a production of this years ago at City Opera. They never did it again. I wonder why?

    I did have hopes for this, but after your remarks, those are gone. And I can't wait to see the 'Clear Day' reviews tomorrow, as I have been leery of that!!!!
