Saturday, January 28, 2012

Darlings, I Have Got To Weigh In On This!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, it seems like hardly any time had passed, before 'SVU' churned out an episode, based on last summer's tragic killing of little Leiby Keltzky. Now, I sense the keyboards are pounding by the second, as they work to construct a plausible scenario based on the (alleged) Greg Kelly rape!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bare bones are this. A 30-year-old unidentified office worker in Manhattan (who is also described as an aspiring model and actress--how cliche, dolls!!!!!!) claims Greg Kelly raped her. According to the woman, who already had a boyfriend, so she was two timing him, they hooked up on October 8 of last year, met for drinks, then went back to her office (notice--HERS, not HIS) since the boyfriend was at home. There was sex, which Kelly says was consensual, but she says NOT.

According to sources, it was more like an ongoing affair, with texts, and involved her having an undisclosed abortion. Undisclosed both to Kelly and the boyfriend.

Apparently, the boyfriend found out about the abortion, and this set the Wheels Of Accusation in motion. Let's hope, darlings, he had enough sense to toss her out in the street, tying, in the words of the great Helen Lawson "a can around that little broad's tail"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first thing I want to say to my girls is that rape is rape, no matter how morally lax the victim may be. Let's face it, she was no Bernadette, but then, neither was Kelly. Right now, we have a "he said, she said" situation, but you can bet Daddy Commissioner Raymond Kelly is working behind the scenes, to cover Sonny Boy's ass!!!!! And I do not mean, with a towel!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooooh, Greg Kelly!!!!!!!!! Hunky right wing TV anchor (FOX news!!!!!)
Big tough Marine!!!!!!!! Do it to me, big boy!!!!!!!!!! Whether the encounter turns out to be rape or not, it is clear, that while our office worker is no angel, Greg is a big old pig!!!!!!! Judging from the office encounter, he definitely has some fetishes; one, apparently, is doing it in inappropriate places, where he is always at risk of being caught, because that is what gets his willy to stand at attention. And speaking of willies, I think Mr. Marine Greg is just a little too free with his. From what I have heard, his willy runs his life, and he goes with it, wherever it takes him, with no regard for the consequences.

And you know what that means, darlings!!!!!!!! It means there are at least a score or more of queens who have been pounded by Greg, though they would be the last to admit it, and they will NEVER report it, because, the stupidity of some gay men is that, even if you are violated, if your attacker was a hottie, you should feel damn lucky!!!!!!! Which is why there is such a need for the Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am certain Greg Kelly's mantra for sexual relations is "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin, which explains one reason why, at 43, he has never married. He probably fornicates with the woman under him, so he can see straight ahead to the TV screen, as he watches the Sports Channel, while the woman beneath, having been coerced, is forced to call him "Big boy!" over and over, to make him feel like a REAL man!!!!!!!!! Or what he and Daddy think is such. Because you know Daddy has controlled him, honey. I would not be surprised if he videos his encounters and sends them to Daddy to get his rocks off, because, let's face it, Ray Kelly would not even score on the Silver Daddies website, and probably can only make it with exploited, illegal immigrant girls, working as hookers!!!!!!!!!!

Or, better yet, maybe he was in the room with Sonny Boy, looking on, while pounding his pud!!!!!!! As Dorothy Parker once said, "I wouldn't be at all surprised"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lambchops, I have not lived in this town long enough not to have seen REAL sleaze at work!!!!!!! Whether the outcome is rape or not, let's call the kettle black--neither participant is any Babe In The Woods.

And mark my words, loves!!!!! Before the season is out, we will see this on 'SVU'!!!!!!! Casting suggestions, anyone????????????

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