Friday, January 6, 2012

Darlings, The Social Whirl Does Not Let Up!!!!!!

Well, girls, today is the Epiphany, meaning it is the Twelfth Day Of Christmas, and the Official End Of The Holiday Season!!!! It was a great one, wasn't it, loves?????

As relates to the actual Christmas story, it is recognized as the day the Wise Men finally reached the end of their journey to deliver their gifts to the Infant Jesus!!!!! Now, I am sure He appreciated the gold, myrrh and frankincense, but, really now, wouldn't He (not to mention Mary, his mother) been much happier, with a gift certificate to Lord And Taylor????? You can bet I would!!!!!!

Funny thing about the Holiday Season. As I get older, it not only comes upon one sooner, it has been dragged out over a longer period of time, than when I was a child. Back then, it began the day one started peeling doors off your Advent Calendar--December 1. Meaning it lasted, with January 6 the end, for about 35 days. Now, it seems to commence right upon Thanksgiving, adding on an extra week for a grand total of six weeks!!!!! And this does not even take into consideration that the Rockettes And Company start performing the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, around the start of November, giving them an almost two month Holiday Season!!!!!!

The point of all this is, it used to be, from here on, things wound down, and the Long Winter set in, leading to depression for some, which did not lift till Spring, when the days started getting longer, and (hopefully!!!) your tax forms by then were sent in to the IRS!!!!!!

But, when one is the Raving Queen,it is an altogether different story. I have been out three nights this week--Wednesday, with Alvin at Mez Mezcal, this altogether charming restaruant on the Upper East Side--316 East 86th Street, to be exact!!!!! Now, I don't do Mexican much, because my taste buds LOVE it, but my digestive tract does not, but I want to tell you, things are so wonderfully prepared and served (big on flavor, but they do not overpower you with spices!!!!) so that even MY digestive tract can handle it. Their Black Bean Soup was heavenly, and so was Monsieur's tomato concoction. Our enchiladas were not too big, and bursting with flavor that left us satisfied but not gorged. And they did the most charming thing, at the end, to commemorate Monsieur's birthday (which must have been arranged by Alvin, because even I did not know about this!!!!!!)--the staff came out, sang "Happy Birthday," gave Monsieur a white, plastic hat to wear, and a birthday "cake," consisting of a whipped cream circle with colored sprinkles and a candle, encircled by tortilla chips, covered with honey, whipped cream and powdered sugar. It was so sweet, girls, but let me warn you, a little is best, because the flavor is rather cloying!!!!!

Last night, of course, I was at the Center Library, doing my volunteer stint!!!
Let us all pray this is the year we find a Man for Mike; he is so sweet and deserving of one!!!!!!

And this evening, to celebrate Harvey's aforementioned birthday, we are taking him out for dinner at the Village equivalent of Chasen's, where all the girls go, the Good Stuff Diner!!!! Which, for a diner, is pretty amazing, and nothing to be ashamed of, darlings!!!! And this from someone who came from the Diner State, New Jersey!!!!!!

Then, there is my friend, Virgina, who celebrates the same birth date as Elvis on Sunday!!!!! So we will be whooping it up, with her, as well!!!! I am telling you, it is so exciting that what used to be a depressing time of year has suddenly turned into a social whirlwind!!!!

The answer, darlings, is to make sure you have enough friends with January birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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