Saturday, January 7, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, TV Is Getting Much Too Scatological!!!!!!!!!

I guess I must be like Liesl Von Trapp, loves--innocent as a rose!!!!!!! Well, in some matters, at least. Back when I was young, there would be these TV ads depicting groups of, shall we say, Middle Agers, walking in a park someplace, while a voice over muses, "Regularity....were you born that way? Doctors say what's normal is what's normal for you?" Subtle and classy.

Well, over the last couple of weeks, there have been a new series of ads, where Jamie Lee Curtis, former Scream Queen, who will always remain so to some of us, is hawking Activia, which I always thought was just another yogurt product on the market!!!! Apparently, by the cartoon depiction of the intestinal tract, it is a lot more--what did I know--and when Jamie urged users to keep a "video diary" and let her know how things were progressing with Activia, I had no idea, till it was explained to me, what this diary consisted of!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, my God, darlings, are you kidding????? I mean, I did not even watch Katie Couric's groundbreaking televised colonoscopy!!!!! Nor would I want to. And I am damn well not going to keep a diary, let alone watch others depicting....well, I think you get the drift!

Hey, Jamie, just what are you into, anyway??????? How could the manufacturers of Activia endorse such nonsense????? I am telling you, darlings, I am afraid to contemplate what is coming next, because I sure as hell do not want to see it!!!!!!!

Can TV cut back on such graphics????? Or even the suggestion of such that is conjured up in viewers' minds??????? Makes my skin crawl!!!!! I advocate a return to a more genteel time, like when you had the cute little naked baby, butt raised, spread, on the rug, while a soft, feminine voice, sang "Gentle as Nature, safe and clean, when the name is Vaseline Intensive Care!"

Only now, the babe on the rug should be either Jake Gyllenhaal or Ryan Gosling!!!!!! Talk about product endorsement, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, that is advertising, at its finest, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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