Thursday, January 12, 2012

Darlings, This Bitch Must Learn When Class Is Dismissed!!!!!!!!!

Girls, what a week it has been for bitchery. I thought I was going to have to name the US Armed Forces, what with Danny Chen being driven to suicide by hatred and harassment at the hands of superior Army officers, let alone that lovely bunch of Marines publicly urinating on deceased Taliban soldiers. What happened to the Armed Forces being "fun," as in "Gomer Pyle" or "McHale's Navy?"

However, this week's winner, while he may be luscious to look at, proves that pretty packages often conceal bitchery. And I am not talking about some group of ex-cheerleaders!!!!!!! I am talking about the Winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, actor James Franco!!!!!!!!!!

I have always admired Franco's work, as well as his passion for intellectual stimulation, what with pursuing a degree in English at Yale and now in some kind of MFA Program at NYU. Except it seems things are catching up with James, who either cannot keep his class and work life together, or who needs to take a break from one or the other in order to perform successfully.

According to the dish, darlings, James was taking a class called "Directing The Actor II", taught by an instructor named Jose Angel Santana. Well, it seems Santana gave James a grade of "D" because he missed 12 of a total of 14 class sessions. In other words, he only made it to two classes.

Hey, Jamie, go stand in the corner, and put on that dunce cap! Other celebs have taken courses, and have not had their profs fired. Apparently, Franco was so pissed, he saw to it that a capable instructor lost his job. Hey, Jamie, just wait another five to ten years, when your career may not be as hot as it is now, and think back on this!!!!!! I hope Prof Santana has the last laugh in all this!!!!!!!!!

Will this stop me from seeing a James Franco, vehicle????? Not really, but, honey, if he wants to work with ME, he has to learn to do MY way--or else!!!! Well, he will find out soon enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I say reinstate Prof Santana. And James, before taking another class, let's see if you can play fairly--with Milton Bradley's classic, "Go To The Head Of The Class!"

And remember, girls, I HAVE to be Bonnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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