Friday, January 13, 2012

Heavens To Betsy, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Kill her, Mommy! Kill her! Don't let her live!
I won't, Jason, I won't!
Get her, Mommy! Get her! She can't hide! No
place to hide! Kill her, Mommy! KILL HER!!!!! KILL HER!!!!!!!!!!
I will, Jason! I WILL!!!!!!!!!!"
--Betsy Palmer as Mrs. Voorhees, in "Friday The 13th"

Betsy Palmer, that is, girls!!!!!!! Who, like Patty Duke with Neely in "Valley Of The Dolls," has come to accept that what she will be remembered for in the end is her star turn as Mrs. Voorhees in the original "Friday The 13th film, back in 1980. Can you believe, lambs, that is now 32 years ago????????????

Bet they are gearing up for some celebration in Blairstown, New Jersey where the Original Classic was filmed. Maybe a special communal screening of the film. Wouldn't that be fabulous????????

I can tell you, if I were going to be home tonight, you can bet this is what I would be watching!!!!! But, alas, it is Friday, and the Raving Queen is obligated to go out on the town, giving my girls something on which I can report.

So, for those of you not going out, watch Betsy tonight! If you have never seen it before--you are in for a treat! What a hoot! If you have, revel in a true classic and brilliant turn from an actress at her career zenith.

Of such strange things are acting careers made!!!! Wonder what role will
eventually define me, darlings??????? Stay tuned to find out!!!!!!!!

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