Friday, January 13, 2012

Girls, I Am Not Afraid Anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me explain, darlings!!!!!! Several posts back, I mused on how I was going to handle the daunting task of reading Adam Levin's mammoth 2010 novel, "The Instructions." Mainly because I had purchased the paperback edition, which was so enormous, I did not see how I could carry it about with me, or how its condition would hold up, long enough to last finding a place on my shelves. At the time of purchase, I had been looking for a hardback edition, but at the time it was all the Strand had!!!!!!

Well, girls, as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait!!!!!! I had to meet Monsieur last eve in front of the Strand; being that close, naturally, there was no way in hell I was NOT going to go in. On a hunch, I went to look for a hardback of the book.......and found one!!!!!!!! It is in a lovely shade of blue, in pristine condition, which means it will last for whatever duration it takes me to read this enormous tome, when I choose to do.

So, now, there is no reason to be afraid of "The Instructions" anymore!!!!!!! Who knows--maybe this will steer me to even greater reading glory--"Gravity's Rainbow," "Infinite Jest" and, of course, "Ulysses."

Just wait till you see my book shelves after this year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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