Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Darlings, This Is Like Me Getting Ready For Work, In The Morning!!!!!!!!!!

"...So I was making lasagna for Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Halston..."

Girls, I am telling you, you have GOT to see the YouTube presentation called "Shit!Liza Minnelli Says." Actress Christine Pedi, who has impersonated Liza in some "Forbidden Broadway" shows, continues her dead on routine in a sketch that has her chatting with (allegedly) Lady Gaga, talking about Gene Kelly, Ann Miller, Debbie Reynolds....even Chita!!!!!!!!!! No darlings, not Cheetah, the chimp from the Tarzan movies (though he was an MGM contract player!!!!), but Chita Rivera, who is still going strong, and with whom I saw Liza perform in both "Chicago" and "The Rink."

The Ann Miller bit is my favorite, loves. I adore when she says, "I can't find my lipstick!" Honey, I go through the same thing every morning!!!!!!!

You have GOT to hear Liza's phone chuckle, her musical advice to Beyonce, and some of the musical interludes are a hoot!!!!!!!!! As if this isn't enough, you can see Christine impersonate not just Liza, but Carol Channing and Joan Rivers in a presentation called "Telephone", bedecked with scantily clad gay chorus boys shimmying and sashaying up a storm, which should raise some eyebrows, at the very least!!!!!!!!!

It's almost enough to make me do a presentation entitled "Shit! I Say!" But how to compartmentalize all that shit???????? And what designer should I scream about???? Ralph Lauren???????? Vera Wang??????????

But, of course, I don't need to do such a presentation, darlings, because I do one every day on here!!!!!!!! Permanently consigned to print!!!!!!!!!!! And where I don't have to worry about my hair or nails, like Liza does, though let me assure you, loves, I look a hell of a lot better than she, and not for one second EVER do I write this blog in my underwear!!!!!! Always fully dressed, dears!!!!!! Just so that you know!!!!

And after seeing Christine's dead on impersonation of Joan ("Whaaaaaaaat
A Traaaaaaaaamp!") Rivers, I am not surprised Joan herself does not get into the act, because, with her talking, believe me, lambs, the shit would never stop.

But I urge you to see Christine Pedi do Liza. If you need some laughs, or a great pick me up, this is it!!!!!!!!

Hey, Christine, I have a great idea for you!!!!!! IF you can talk the producers into it, or if you just do a presentation of it yourself, do Liza playing Arachne in "Spider-Man:Turn Off The Dark," suspended high above the audience, singing "Maybe This Time!" Sure to bring down the house!!!!!!!!

Have to go now, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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