Thursday, January 19, 2012

Girls, Cross This Bitch Off The Social Register!!!!!!!!!!

It used to be, girls, that getting into the Social Register, being labeled a socialite, meant something. I am not so sure anymore. Because if this week's winner of Bitch Of The Week qualifies as a socialite (and she has been indeed labeled such) then world social standards have come way, way down!!!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Kim Kardashian!!!!

Honey, the word "media whore" could have been invented for her. When it comes to attention seeking, not only does she outdo yours truly, she outdoes one who truly outdoes moi--Angelina Jolie, who, as we know, darlings, is no shrinking violet, herself!!!!!!!

From her scandalous sex tape, to her 72 day marriage to basketball player Kris Humphries (the record holder is still Ethel Merman and Ernest Borgnine for two weeks!!!!!!!!), to her ersatz, egocentric reality show, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," Kim is everywhere at best, and a bitch to all!!!!!! You have to wonder how she keeps in the public eye, and who watches her reality show, because it sure is not me, lambs!!!!!!!! I have enough on my own plate turning out my OWN brand of reality show, which is this blog!!!!!!! I could care less about Kim, but she manages to get the word out, nevertheless!!!!!!!!!!

Why???? It comes down to two quotes--Jude Judy's--"Beauty fades, but dumb is forever!" and P.T.Barnum's "There is a sucker born every minute." I think Kardashian's celebrity comes from the latter--a lot of gullible folk out there (the type who would end up on Judge Judy's show, in fact!!!!!) who think Kim is the be all, end all, of glamour, or whatever their notions of glamour may be. God forbid these people have ever heard of Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, or the like. With nothing to compare Kim to, no wonder viewers laud her to this exalted status.

Well, she won't get more exalted than Bitch Of The Week. Which she gets by riding the coattails of American ignorance. I can't fault the American populace for being gullible, but I can fault Kim for knowing that she is, in fact, screwing the American public, in addition to whomever else she has screwed.

In fact, she and Snookie should team up for their own Reality Show. Two who got ahead by simply doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice work, if you can get it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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