Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Girls, How Are We Expected To Believe This???????

Several days ago, when I reported on the "outing" of Kristy McNichol, I never doubted its veracity for a second. I just did not think it came as much of a surprise to anyone.

Well, the latest I am reporting now did take me by surprise, added to which I doubt its veracity. In fact, I do not take it seriously, at all!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Sheen is saying now, he is "not crazy." That's right; he is saying he has given up his goddesses, and wants to settle down and live a somewhat normal life!!!!!

Hey, Charlie, who are you kidding??????

The first thing I want to know is--what happened to the goddesses, after he ditched them????? Was there a nice cash settlement????? And where can these two go; they certainly cannot go home to Mom and Dad, who must be hanging their heads in shame, knowing what their daughters reduced themselves to. Let's face it, if Miss Porter's or the Ivy League was not in their futures to begin with, they surely are not options now!!!!!!!

The way I see it, they can jointly write a book about their experience. Or they can jointly host some kind of reality show, where they relate their experiences, giving advice and interviewing other former goddesses, or goddess wannabes.

Mark my words, these two will laugh all the way to the bank. Maybe their staff writer will be Joan Didion!!!!!!! Now, THAT would be something!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Sheen sane?????????? Not on your life!!!!! Hey, "Fear Factor" is back; that would be perfect for Sheen. It would fit him like a glove, as both staff and audience would fear to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you give up YOUR goddesses, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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