Thursday, January 26, 2012

Girls, This Bitch Shoud Have The Entire Oeuvre Of Philip Roth Stuffed Down His Throat, Till He Chokes!!!!!!!!!!

That would be as good a start as any for today's Bitch Of The Week, who is in need of a lesson in humanitarianism, as well as good grooming.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is New Jersey resident, Anthony Graziano. He is the 19-year-old youth charged with setting afire that synagogue in Rutherford, recently, which almost killed some people, and there are allegations he has done the same thing to others.

Obviously, he has some issues with those of the Jewish faith, so a strong does of Philip's novels and BARBRA's CD's would be a good start!!!!!! Hey, Anthony, how do you think you would have handled growing up in Highland Park, New Jersey????? Are we former Parkites lucky he did not live there!!!! He might have torched the entire town, not unlike, Carrie, after the prom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This bitch is no prom queen or king, that is for sure. And his father, who looks like William Hickey in "Prizzi's Honor", (and does not live with his son or the boy's mother, which speaks volumes there) doing an "O Sole Mio", saying his son could not have done anything. After getting a look at Tony in his prison togs, I am convinced he could have done just about anything. What I would like to know is, where does his anit-Semitism come from????????? Daddy???????????? It has to come from somewhere, because children may be born bad, but their particular badness--like prejudice--is generally learnt within the family unit.

I wonder, with his surname, if Anthony is related, in any way, to former boxer Rocky Graziano, whom Paul Newman portrayed in the 1958 film, "Somebody Up There Like Me." Hey, Rocky, if you are up there now, and this thug IS a relation, I think, even from the Afterlife, you need to knock this guy in the teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But cheer up! Maybe in prison he will be assigned a Jewish cellmate, and learn how to keep Kosher. Or maybe said inmate will take a knife, and act like a real moil!!!!!!!!!!

So, here is to Anthony Graiziano, this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!! Watch out, honey; you may get out of prison, with less than you went in with!!!!!!!!!!!

Mazel-tov, you prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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