Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Girls, This Goes Way Beyond "Chink" Lit!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, being of a literary bent, of course I had been aware of Lisa See as a writer for years. In fact, several people had recommended to me her book, "Peony in Love." So, one day, last year, while browsing at BookBook, I came across a reduced priced copy of "Shanghai Girls"!!!! I always alternate heavy stuff with light stuff,and this would, I thought do perfectly for the latter. The cover, two beautifully coiffed sisters, suggested nothing more than well written "Chick Lit," or, as the case would have it, "Chink Lit." I began the book under this assumption, but was I ever wrong!!!!

What Lisa See writes, in minimum length, but with maximum effect, is an encompassing story of two sisters, Pearl and May, that moves from Shanghai in 1935 to America in 1957. The historical detail instantly destroys the illusion of frivolous romance, but when See chronicles the massacre of Shanghai by the Japanese, where Pearl and her mother are raped, side by side, I knew I was dealing with a serious writer who was not afraid to go to the "dark places." Her observations of the Chinese in America during this time, particularly in Los Angeles, where the setting moves to, and the treatment of these people in the work force and film industry (yes, Hollywood comes into the picture) are both gripping and disturbing. Fascinating to me was her evocation of a kitsch place called "China City," basically an Occidental Fantasyland, constructed from sets of movies such as "The Good Earth," capitalizing on every conceivable stereotype by Americans during this time. And this predates Chun King and "Flower Drum Song," darlings!!!!!!

The story even comes full circle, ending on such a cliffhanging note, I swear if See does not write a sequel, I will petition her to do one, myself!!!!!

So, the first book of 2012 turns out to be lighter than most but more substantial than one might expect. Now that I have been introduced to Lisa See, I can't wait to read more of her!!!! Highly recommended, loves!!!!!

Happy Reading, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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