Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back To The Slag Heap, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, dolls the Holidays are officially at an end, now that I have returned to my first full day of work. Another year here in the slag heap, serving up heaping portions of glamour tinged with insight. We can throw out hope that human behavior undergoes some improvement this year, but, let's face it, to do that, you would have to
genetically transform an entire species!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, here is to another work year!!!!! Begone, evil ones who have no power over me!!!!!!!!! Onward and upward, as we say at the start of the year!!!!!

And what better way to depict visually the anguish of returning to work, from a long, relaxing holiday! than a Bangladesh sweatshop???????????

Not to worry; the Raving Queen is on the job, and all will get reported!!!!!!

Like tonight, when we have our special dinner with Alvin at Mez Mezcal, the glamorous Mexican eatery on the Upper East Side!!!!!! I may need a Margarita or two before this day is through!!!!! So stay tuned for more, dears!!!!!!!!!!

And see you on the front lines at 12, girls!!!!!!!!!

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