Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Harvey!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the 63rd birthday of my movie maven mad friend, Harvey!!!!!!! He has about five months on Meryl Streep, but, girls they are doing both great. Harvey is what I call a Steel Magnolia, in overcoming the adversities--physical and emotional--that have been handed out to him. On his canes, he now walks faster than most people I know on their two legs. He walks softly, but carries a big stick, let me tell you, so do not mess with Harvey!!!!!!!!!

Here is wishing Harvey 63 more years of continued success!!!!! Monsieur and I will take him out Friday to his usual haunt, the Good Stuff Diner, where, hopefully, his subjects and couriers will pay homage to him!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt Harvey is at a movie, even as we speak. He should have appeared, now ten years ago, in the documentary "Cinemania," and I still maintain that he is secretly Rollereena!!!! But Harvey refuses to confirm or deny!!!! I WILL say,girls, that I have never seen either in the same place, at the same time!!!!!!!

So, a special birthday wish for Harvey!!!!!!! What more can I say than what I always say??????

You're doing GREAT, Harvey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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