Thursday, February 9, 2012

And Rock A Bye, Sweet Brother James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, he is too old--26--to be called a baby, and he is not MY brother, but the rest of the Taylor lyric applies to Tyler Clementi's older brother, James.

After reading his piece on Tyler in OUT Magazine, and then catching an audio interview on "The Takeaway," and a media one (audio and visual) on CNN, with Anderson Cooper, James comes off as the poised, articulate, and compassionate young man, as presented in his written piece.

It was moving to actually hear him speak, not only of Tyler, but of his own personal struggles in the wake of his brother's passing. I was especially struck by his account of how Tyler was happy and expectant about the college years ahead, until what was done caused him to feel made a laughing stock and joke, which James feels is what drove him to his irrevocable choice.

I am in complete accordance with his statement that IF Tyler had been able to get through that one "dark night of his soul," he would be here, today. And I cannot stress the importance, nor can James, as he repeated again, of recognizing that your life is your most precious commodity, and not to be thrown away.

So, hats off to James, as he continues to speak out! And God bless!

As we all pray for justice and accountability in the upcoming trial!!!!!!!!

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