Thursday, February 9, 2012

Look What They've Done To My Street, Ma!!!!!!!!

Darlings, if Melanie Safka herself (yes, girls, THE "Melanie", singer of songs in the 1960s) were to walk down Bleecker Street today, she might very well sing this lyric. First of all, I am sure Melanie walked down the street in her day, but what has happened lately has become truly disgusting.

First, all the cute little stores, like, say, "Condomania," left, replaced by boutiques and chi chi places that have transformed Bleecker from a pleasant little West Village street, into a faux (EXTREMELY faux!!!!!) Upper East Side esplanade. Gag me with a spoon, darlings!!!!!!!!!! If I want the Upper East Side, I can damn well go there!!!!!!!!!

I am particularly incensed today, because one of my sources informs me that the prospect of Manatus closing is a very real possibility. I have always known this eatery by this name; those even older than I, or who have truly lived in the nabe, remember when it was a place called "Clyde's."

Especially, with the sad departure of the Tiffany Diner, a block West, this remained the only reasonably priced eatery in the area. You have to go a bit North to get to the Waverly Diner, Village Den, the Chelsea Gallery, or the Good Stuff Diner. So, if Manatus goes, that will be the end of reasonably priced cuisine in the heart of the West Village. It may even be the end of any kind of eatery at all, for I doubt the space afterwards will be used as such; look at Rag and Bone on Christopher (which I cannot believe is still in operation!!!!!). That used to be the Factory, a wonderful coffee bar, where people could sit and schmooze, read, or write--an oasis of civilization. Forget about that, now!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know if there is a movement about to preserve Manatus, but if not I am urging those out there to start one. Enough with this frou frou stuff on Bleecker!!!!!! I love fashion and glamour, as much as anyone, but go to the Upper East Side, or Anna's offices, at Conde Nast!!!!!!! Why should anyone on Bleecker Street pay fifteen thousand dollars, or such, for anything??????????

And get rid of Marc Jacobs Books!!!!!!!! What a joke!!!!!!!!!!!

Before you know it, darlings, they will be charging the same prices at the Magnolia Bakery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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