Friday, February 3, 2012

Darlings, Could I Possibly Be Blanche???????????

No, girls, I am not talking about Blanche Du Bois of "A Streetcar Named Desire," which, I assure you, I could nail like you would not believe. I am talking about Blanche Hudson, the Joan Crawford role in "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?", which Monsieur and I attended last eve at Chelsea Classics, hosted, of course, by Hedda Lettuce, in what turned out to be a Special 50th Anniversary Film Screening.

After all that time, the film remains as fresh and exciting as ever. But there is still that nagging Blanche question, for me. Not that I have ever viewed myself as Joan Crawford--not for a second. And, of course, the role of Baby Jane is tailored for a more theatrical type, and, God help me, if it is one thing I can be called, it is theatrical.

Nevertheless, there is that one apocryphal moment and line towards the beginning, that gives me pause. It is spoken by Gina Gillespie (the film's only surviving cast member; more on that, darlings!!!!!) as the child Blanche.

Having been unduly reprimanded by her father, Blanche is seething with hurt and resentment. Her mother (the great Ann Barton) tells the tearful child that someday she will be the lucky one, because she will be the bigger star, getting all the attention. Despite Mother's passive willingness to allow her husband to allow them all to sponge off their talented daughter, she understands that Jane's stardom is going to be short-lived. So she urges Blanche, when older, to be kinder to Jane and her father than they are to her, now. Pretty tall order, I say. When asked to remember, Blanche speaks those immortal words into the camera, which set the tone for the rest of what follows--

"I won't forget. You BET I won't forget!"

For so many years, this was MY mantra. It was, all during Junior and Senior high, and if you read past blog entries, you will find, that, while I have not tortured anyone, I have gotten out some of my resentments towards past figures on here. But am I capable, for those who know the film, of harboring a secret for 30 years, and using it to intentionally ruin someone else's life?????

No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why, for those who know the film so well--and if you are one of MY girls, you damn well better--I have always felt sorry for Jane. Jane was no angel, but you have to consider, what happens to Blanche, right up to the scene on the beach, is all brought on by herself. Though there is that moment where she says to Jane, "You weren't ugly, then. I made you that way. I even did that." I disagree. Jane was a hardcore alcoholic by the time of the accident, so time would have taken its toll. Blanche may have thrown Jane's life away, but Jane's alcoholism would have happened, minus the accident; once she was no longer Top Dog, that was it, and she needed something to smooth that over. Like gin.

And while I may have my theatrical moments, I am in no danger of becoming a rabid alcoholic. Two drinks, and that is it for me. Sometimes I fall asleep. Just call me a cheap date!!!!!!!! Well,not really; I want the high end places, you better believe it.

But there is so much one can learn from 'Baby Jane," no matter how many times it is viewed! But me, Blanche?????????? No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This star plays second fiddle to no one!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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