Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Birthday, Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!

From Groundhog Day, we move to celebrating the birthday of one of our most treasured actresses--Blythe Danner. Blythe, who has been the definitive interpreter of Tennessee Williams' characters for many years, has also been, with her stunning looks, pegged by moi as the Grace Kelly of our generation. Which is highly fitting, considering both were very much Main Line, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Blythe never let it get in the way of acting, or raising a family. And her work in ecology is highly well known.

Today, hard as it is to believe, Blythe turns 69!!!! To think that next year she will be 70!!!! Can you believe it??????

What cake would be most appropriate for Blythe???? Coconut??? Angel Food???
Red Velvet???? You tell me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

So let us salute the birthday and brilliance of the magnificent Blythe Danner. I still want to know where she gets her hair done, darlings, so I can go there, and look my most Blythe like!!!!!!!!!

I mean, do you know how frustrating it is to do a rigorous beauty regimen each morning, knowing one can never look like Blythe Danner, because only Blythe can??????

Happy Birthday, Blythe!!!!!!! We like Gwyneth, but she cannot hold a candle to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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