Thursday, February 9, 2012

Darlings, I Felt Just Like Liza Minnelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, I am telling you, it was just another Wednesday--midweek slump, no particular crazies to deal with; just an ordinary day. It has been MY turn for awhile to make dinner, at home (which is no problem, loves!!!!), but something has always seemed to come up!!!!! And it happened again, last eve!!!!!!

The day was winding down, it was nearing what we all call "Quittin' Time!" (just like they do at Tara, darlings!!!!) when I got a voicemail message from Monsieur. He was coming uptown to meet me after work, because he had to go to Gracious Homes to pickup a lamp he was having repaired. (So exciting, darlings!!!!! Especially if you had seen the lamp!!!!!) We did, and he expressed a craving for Chinese, which was fine with me, meaning in this neighborhood, we ended up at Empire Szechuan, which is always good. And guess what we both had????????????

That's right, lambs!!!!! The Liza Minnelli Special! Moo Shu Pork!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad I was not in my red Halston, when I was dining, but then I had no idea I would be, until the moment's notice!!!!! I guess I could keep an extra wardrobe on hand here at work, but, honestly, there just isn't any acceptable closet space.

This particular style of Moo Shu was individually wrapped into four pancakes of each, plus filling and sauce, extra. The Peking sauce was, well, Peking sauce, but I was surprised how mild the pork and veggie concoction was. Not as spicy as I have had it in other places. Guess Liza must have been here, because it would have satisfied her Senior Citizen stomach.

And I was feeling like the Carefree Liza, of "Cabaret," not the doleful one of "The Sterile Cuckoo," or, worse, "Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon!" I almost wish Liza had walked in on us; what a coffee klatch that would have been, loves. Or tea, as the case may be!!!!!!!!!!

It just goes to show, girls, you never know what your evening is going to bring. So make sure you keep some extra Halston, Adolfo, or Givenchy on hand! If not in the closet, at least in your hand bag!!!!!!!!!!

I was honored, representing Liza last night, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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