Thursday, February 9, 2012

Girls, This Bitch Beat Out My First Choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't tell you who that choice was, darlings--save it for another week-- BUT when I first read about Alyssa Bustamante, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, I knew this piece of cheap baggage would make the cut.

Bustamante, of Jefferson County, Missouri, was sentenced to a Life sentence, with possible parole (which she does not deserve, darlings!!!) for the slaying of her nine year old neighbor, Elizabeth Olten.

This appears to be another thrill killing of a juvenile sociopath, who slipped through the cracks!!!!! Elizabeth left her home one October evening in 2009, to play with Bustamante's younger sister. But Alyssa, then 15, found her, and lured Elizabeth into the woods nearby, saying she had a surprise. The "surprise" was that she strangled the little girl, and then slit her throat, with a knife, which she later wrote about gleefully!!!! Then, guess what she did after that, darlings???? Alyssa went home, and wrote in her journal of what an "amazing " experience it was, and how "enjoyable" it had been!!!! Sick bitch!
Then this THING laughed, and--get this!--went off tho church!!!!!

I am telling you, girls, she is NO Bernadette!!!! Not even Bernadette Peters!!!!!!!!!!! The bitch has even copped a deal, having been first charged with first-degree murder (which should have stayed), but pleading down to lesser charges, in order to avoid a trial (because she would have been fried!!!!!) and life in adult prison, with no chance for parole.

Well, hear it from me!!!! This bitch will kill again!!!! If she gets released, she will; mark my words!!!! Just like Jake O'Hara on that 'Criminal Intent' episode!!!!! Alyssa seems to me the female equivalent off Sam Manzie. Prosecutors painted a similar picture of a distinctively troubled teen who needed help, never got it, and Elizabeth's death was the result!!!!!!

A better choice for Bitch Of The Week there could not be!!!! So congrats, of a sort, Alyssa, and off to the slammer you go!!!!! I hope the gals there cut off your hair until you are bald!!!!! Have a nice Life Term, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!

See, girls???? Bitches always come crawling out of the woodwork!!!!!

Now, crawl back to your Hole, Alyssa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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