Saturday, February 11, 2012

Darlings, Let Us Go Fourth, Like "The Four Brooklyn Ladies!!!!!!!!"

Girls, you have to understand, until I saw--again and again--the MJHS commercial, about the Brooklyn hospice, I always thought the Four Brooklyn Ladies were--Barbara Stanwyck, Susan Hayward, Barbra Streisand, and Marissa Tomei!!!!!!! But, then, you know ME, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Seeing this commercial as often as I have, that picture emblazoned in my mind, has heightened my humanitarian sense in a manner unseen since first viewing Sister Peg on 'SVU'. I have suggested to Monsieur (though he is not wild about the idea) that we should open up our own hospice of compassionate care, for gay men in need of comfort and ease on the journey out.

Now, maybe the living room is not such a good place; I mean, I wouldn't want it to look like Tara when Scarlett and Company were holing up injured soldiers. So maybe a more apt venue--is the building that was the Brooklyn disco Spectrum still standing??? Now, that would be a perfect spot, in counterpart and counterpoint, to the Four Brooklyn Ladies (I would love to know their names; anyone out there reading this, who knows, please tell me!!!!). And believe me, with its "Saturday Night Fever" disco history, the Spectrum IS a gay icon!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodness just flows from my heart, lambs, even if I am NOT a saint!!!!!! Want to make a donation to this cause???????? I'll take such right here!!!!!! That way, the living rooms can be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the really important thing to remember, darlings, is the next time you see this commercial, with these ladies, heed the advice to do something--no matter how little--even if it is someone who just needs to be visited. In its own small way, that is like being one of the Four Brooklyn Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine, if Streisand made visits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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