Saturday, February 11, 2012

"On February 11, 1858"

Darlings, I could not begin my chronicling, without acknowledging the vast personal importance of this day. From the bar, and the picture above, you are alerted that this is the 154th Anniversary of the Apparitions At Lourdes, which did so much for so many, not to mention yours truly, and a young woman from Tulsa Oklahoma, named Phyllis Isley, who became Jennifer Jones, when she starred in a film about these events, titled, "The Song Of Bernadette"!!!!!!!!!

Which, as you know, is my Easter film of choice, every year, and has been for the past 20+ years!!!!!!!!!!!! If it wasn't an Easter choice, I could watch it on this day, and I am sure there are some out there who will, and, girls, I am not about to stop you; go right ahead, as this is a film one cannot view too many times!!!!!!!!!

So that is the first thing I want to say.

The second is that this day ALSO happens to be the Anniversary (2 years, now) of the passing of my late friend, David Semonin. I recall when I got word of his passing, my first thought was he was somehow blessed, for, as I said to myself, "He died on Bernadette's day." Not her Feast Day (which is April 16), but you know what I mean.

Not the best picture of David, but, then, darlings, he was never a fashion icon, even though he arrived in New York by way of a prominent Realtor family in Louisville, Kentucky.

David and I met unexpectedly on Halloween night, back in 1981, when both of us were in line at the then Alvin Theatre box-office, getting tickets to see that evening a show called......."Merrily We Roll Along." This is the fist of many personal associations with this show, which I will record further, after seeing the ENCORES production this Tuesday.

Over the years, we worked many a Sunday at the Drama Book Shop, did a show together ("Merton Of The Movies', in 1992--20 years ago, this year!!!!!), had countless Friday morning breakfasts at the now defunct Lincoln Square Cafe, and saw many shows together. Two of the most memorable evenings was the 1994 "Carousel" at Lincoln Center, and the original production of "The Normal Heart" at the Public.

We were two sides of the same coin; when it came to theater, culture, or the arts, what one of us did NOT know, the other did. And we used that to both our advantages. We were also both devoted to the Brooke Hayward memoir, "Haywire," and derived much solace from it. Being older, David saw a lot more theater, and more vintage theater, than I, and, while I always joked about him seeing Maude Adams in "Peter Pan," or Alla Nazimova in "Ghosts," I was always impressed that his FIRST Broadway show, was the 1950 "Peter Pan," with Jean Arthur and Boris Karloff!!!!!!! Imagine!!!! It preceded Disney's cartoon, featuring a pubescent Bobby Driscoll as the voice of Peter, and the version we all know--with Mary Martin!!!!!--by four!!!!!!! Bet the producers and creators of the incoming "Peter And The Starcatcher" would be impressed!!!!! I always was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Besides, MY first Broadway show was "Walking Happy" in 1967. My critical sense was already active, and while it was not a bad show, I recognized it was not a classic. What impressed me the most, at the time, was that I was sitting in the Lunt Fontanne theater, where "The Sound Of Music" had originally played.

So, on this day, I remember both David and Bernadette. Since this was his departure date, I knew David would be in good hands with Bernadette!!!!!!

Drink from the Spring, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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