Friday, February 10, 2012

This Nightmare PROVES I Need A Day Off!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, have you ever seen the film, "Dracula's Daughter?" I haven't seen it in years, but when I was a child, Channel 9 showed it all the time on their "Movie Of The Week" (the same film, five days in a row, shown from 5:30-7:00 PM!!!!). To this day, I recall the beautiful imagery, and the weird relationship between the title character (named Countess Marya Zaleska) and her lackey, Sandor (played by Irving Pichel, who, 14 years later went on to direct the 1950 groundbreaking sci-fi classic, "Destination Moon"), who was a hoot, with his pre-Sixties Nehru look, and slicked back hair, parted center, like Lon Chaney in "The Phantom Of The Opera."

But so much of this film--chock full of lesbianism and sadomasochism--went over my head. I mean, back then, what did I know???? I have not seen the film in its entirety since, but have seen enough key clips in adulthood, to recognize what I had been missing, back then!!!! If only the Film Forum would show this one!!!!!

I am not waxing rhapsodic on this film for a think piece, right now, but because it formed the basis for a nightmare I had last night, that proves beyond doubt I need some time off!!!! Even Monsieur said as much, when I told him!!!!!

The dream involved the film, "Dracula's Daughter." Like that movie, it was in creamy black and white. The compositional shot involved me standing in the castle room with the short staircase, facing Gloria Holden (Countess Zareska), with her lackey, Sandor, standing on the stairs. Dracula's Daughter was trying to hypnotize me, to turn me into a vampire, because her goal was the world wide domination of librarians!!!!! That is right; she wanted to turn all the world's librarians, into vampires!!!!!

"Why librarians?" I thought, when I awoke. "Why not bill servers, or tax collectors? After all, they are the REAL bloodsuckers!!!!!"

And I swear, darlings, I never read a WORD of "Twilight." I mean, come on; do you think I would read THAT crap?????

But this is what was happening. And, in the dream, I fought back. I stood rigid, clutching my arms at each side, clenching my fists, fixing as hypnotic a stare as Gloria Holden was fixing upon me. Sandor just stood there, on the stairs, poised, like he was ready to attack, but, let me tell you, honey, with that phony faux fashion look, he would not have stood a chance!!!!!

Facing the Countess, I hissed vehemently at her, "I will NOT be dominated by any librarian, and I will NOT be dominated by you!!!!!!"

Then, I woke up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this does not indicate I need a vacation, nothing does!!!!! It sure makes me want to see "Dracula's Daughter" now! It is interesting that the Zareska-Sandor relationship dynamic is the same as the one between Andreas and Armand Tesla (Bela Lugosi) in the 1944 film, "The Return Of The Vampire!" Both Andreas and Sandor are promised immortality by their enslavers, as a way of keeping each bound to them. Both are betrayed, and kill their dominators; Andreas miraculously finds a crucifix in the dirt, hears, in his head, the voice of Frieda Inescourt, as Lady Jane Ainsley (which would be enough for anyone to act on!!!!), shoves the cross in Tesla's face, and forces him out into the sunlight, where he crumbles. At least, this vampire is being destroyed accurately. In "Dracula's Daughter," the betrayed Sandor shoots Zareska with an arrow, piercing her in the heart, with her falling and dying, like any mortal!!!! Not the way to kill a vampire, darlings!!!!!!

Yes, even in childhood, I was already a purist and critic!!!! But if this dream doesn't mean I need a vacation, before I am hauled off to the loony bin, like Blanche Du Bois, I don't know what proves it!!!!!

And I can tell you this much--IF I were a vampire, coffin by day or not, I would have had more stylish digs, and a hotter lackey than Sandor!!!! Gloria Holden's glam queen look was just too good, for either!!!!!!!

See what overwork can do, darlings?????????????????????

Hope your dreams are sweeter than mine, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dracula's Daughter is available on dvd as part of a great set that also includes the original Lugosi Dracula, which you can watch in it's original form which has no music, or with the Philip Glass score which is wonderfully atmospheric. The set also has the Spanish language version, which was filmed on the same set, at night, and is more bold sexually. Also included are Son of Dracula with Lon Chaney Jr., and House of Dracula. All for about 25 bucks!

  2. I work near Lincoln Center, where there used to be a Tower Records. (oh, for those days!) I know the exact collection of which you speak; they had a good horror section, though I did not realize--or remember-"Dracula's Daughter" was a part of it. I would have been more inclined to snap it up, it I had.

    I used to enjoy "Son Of Dracula" on Channel 9, too. Though I though Lon Chaney Jr. was too...beefy for a vampire, I loved the American Southern Gothic atmosphere, and the romantic tragedy of the end--the romatic hero burns his fiance'e--Kay--grave, to save her from vampirism.

    I remember "House OF Dracula" being very good, though it was such a franchise picture.

    BUT--for sheer camp fun, with its combination of vampirism and lesbianism, do NOT miss AIP's 1957 "Blood Of Dracula," where Sandra Harrison is more glamorous as the monster than herself!!!! I did a post on the film, a year or two back!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for the tip; I'll check it out!
