Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Darlings, This Is A Casting Coup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may recall, awhile back, girls, I did a post--several, actually--on actresses playing the role of Miss Havisham in "Great Expectations. How fitting this topic comes up again, as today is Dickens' 200th birthday!!!!!!!!

It occurred to me there is a perfect candidate out there for the role. Though she is hardly the seasoned actress that Gillian Anderson and Helena Bonham Carter are, I can think of no better choice to play this role than.....Joan Didion?????????

That's right, honey, you heard it; Joan Didion, the writer!

She certainly is seasoned! Hell, she is pickled! Just look at her!!!!! She looks so much like she is ready to play Miss H (let alone being ready for the glue factory) that she makes Miss Havisham seem like Betty Grable in pinup mode. With strong direction, she could pull it off, though I don't think Dickens envisioned her with cigarettes and liquor in her hands.

Which, no doubt, is how Joan would play it. It kind of reminds me of that part in the title song "Cabaret," when Sally sings of her friend Elsie, from Chelsea-- "The day she died, the neighbors came to snicker.
Well, that's what comes from too much pills and liquor."

When Liza sang this 40 years ago, one could not help but be reminded of her mother. But, just look at Joan these days!!!!!!!! For sheer grotesquerie, she outdoes even Tallulah Bankhead in "Die!Die! My Darling!"

And Joan used to be reasonably good looking, back in the 70's, in that bohemian way! But, lambchops, that was then, and this is NOW!!!!!!!!!

Now, I certainly have nothing against Joan, save for reading her books, but as long as she is looking so grotesque, she may as well put it to good use. Granted, while it might be fun to have another Joan (Rivers) play Miss Havisham, that would only work if Satis House were located near the ruins of what once was Grossinger's in the Catskills! Which I am sure is not what Dickens had in mind!!!!!!!!

So, as long as we have Miss Havishams crawling out of the woodwork, let me recommend MY choice, Joan Didion!!!!!!! What a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See what pills and liquor can do to one, girls???? Watch out!!!!!!!!!!!

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