Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Girls, Have You Made This Downtown Discovery?????

Darlings, guess, like the song says, I'm just an Uptown Girl, living in my Uptown world!!!!!!
Because, until last week, I had never heard of Neal Medlyn, and now, it seems, he is all over the place!!!!!!!!

My first exposure to Neal came in the recent "Next" magazine, the gay events publication. There was a photo of him, and publicity for, his recent "Wicked Clown Love" show at The Kitchen, which only ran two nights--February 3 and 4. I am sorry I missed it.

Born on May 21, 1975, Neal is from Palestine, Texas, and has been a model, go-go dancer, and performance artist here in town, since about the late 1990s. early 2,00's.
One thing that is apparent, girls, which is one reason why I know we all want to seek out Neal, is that, given his experience, he seems totally at ease with his body, meaning he has no qualms displaying as much of it as possible, when necessary. That "Wicked Clowns" photo is interesting; it makes Neal seem shorter than he is. My initial impression of him was that he reminded me of my friend, John, a short, sweet thing, who is hotter than a firecracker and is one cat who just will not stay on HIS hot tin roof!!!!!!!! I get that same vibe from Neal. So, I think all my girls would have lots of fun, checking him out.

He has his own site, giving much more info than I can. On February 29--Leap Year Day, and my sister's REAL birthday--he is going to be doing a show at Joe's Pub with two other performers, spoofing the "Hit Parade" shows of the 1950s, but focusing on contemporary music. It might be a good idea to check Neal out here. And you can also see him in action, to get a taste, on YouTube.

How have I missed not discovering Neal????? Like I said, I am just not a Downtown Girl. But, girls everywhere, I am telling you to flock to Neal. The performer/exhibitionist in him would just love it!!!!!!!!!!

And keep your clothes on, you queens!!!!!!!! Remember, this is Neal's show, not yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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