Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Girls, I Simply Could NOT Watch This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, darlings, I admit I never thought "The Lovely Bones" was a world beater as a book or film. BUT, Alice Sebold's writing, and some of the film's performers, (Stanley Tucci and Rose McGiver in particular) gave the film some emotional resonance.

So, I have to admit I was intrigued by the prospect of the Investigation Discovery Program, "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets," which, conceptually is "The Lovely Bones", with a different case, redesigined as a weekly TV show.

You would think this would be a sure fire thing. I have to admit the concept ostensibly pressed all my buttons. But a major mistake is made, which does not prevent the show from working. The bottom line, is, this show is done on the cheap, and it needs a bigger budget, for reasons I will explain.

All of these true crime shows involve some sort of dramatic reenactments. They are usually done by unknown, and not very good, actors, and are a series of quick, flashy sketches. Which is fine, if the presentation is limited.

BUT when the whole show is, basically a reenactment. and you are using, basically unknown, and not very, shall we say, skilled actors, for the entire duration, the show falls flat. "Stolen Voices, Buried Secrets" COULD work; it could be a cross between, again, "The Lovely Bones," or "Touched By An Angel," but, in order to achieve that, you have to employ A-list, solidly skilled actors, to make you empathize with the killers, victims and their families. The situation is emotionally engrossing enough, but with mediocre actors, it does not have the emotional resonance it should. I caught the case of Laura Salmon, who was murdered on May 13, 1984. She had been beaten to death by a jilted boyfriend, in one of those "if-I can't-have-her-no-one-else-will" scenarios. I found out this by doing some research on the case, because, after about 20 minutes of the program (or maybe 15; up till the first commercial) I knew I could not watch this. The dramatic execution (no pun intended) was unsatisfactory.

Which is why 'SVU' is still such a Gold Standard. The high calibre of actors appearing on that show, and on something like "Cold Case", made those shows work. The makers of 'Stolen Voices' have a great formula, but they need to surround themselves with higher calibre talent, or else this show will tank!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, it takes a lot for a true crime show to disengage ME. This show achieves that distinction, and, darlings that is NOT a compliment!!!!!!!!!!

Get your act (and ACTORS) together, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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