Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"I Mean, Even 'Cream Of Wheat' Has Lumps!!!!!!!"

That line, darlings, was not heard in last night's reworking of "Merrily We Roll Along" at ENCORES, City Center, but it has always been one of my favorites, so I could not resist. Let it be said no one can accuse The Raving Queen of being without timing, because, when Monsieur and I bought the tickets originally, we did so, thinking it would be a nice thing to do on Valentine's Day, especially considering my special relationship to this show.

So, before discussing last night, let's start there.

Back in 1981, I was working on my Master's in Drama, at NYU. While there, I worked by day in the bookstore, where also worked a young student by the name of Maryrose Wood. Definitely talented and theatrically bound, but none of us could imagine how fast. Well, word got out, as it did, that Maryrose would disappear on certain days because she was off "auditioning for something." As time drew closer, and the publicity mills started grinding, it turned out the project was this new Harold Prince-Stephen Sondheim show, to be called "Merrily We Roll Along." I remember the day Maryrose told everyone she was cast! I was so excited--that someone of such youthfulness could be bound for Broadway. It would have been like had I been discovered sitting at a soda fountain, like Lana Turner!!!!!!!!

So, off Maryrose went on her Broadway adventure. With my interest in theater, anyway, and actually knowing someone in a Broadway show (the first time experiencing this!!!!!) I followed every story and rumor pertaining to this show. So, when I kept hearing that people were consistently walking out on the most aniticpated theater event of that season--in previews, yet!!!!--I wondered what was going on, and had to find out.

I first saw 'Merrily' on Halloween night, 1981!!!!!!!!!! Trick or treat, darlings. It changed my life in an important way; behind me, in line getting tickets at the Alvin, was a man named David Semonin. We started talking, and that was the beginning of a friendship that lasted 29 years, until David departed from this life in 2010. If any show could be called "our show", it was 'Merrily.' David and I worked on shows together ourselves--"Merton Of The Movies," 20 years ago at the Atlantic, which was written by 'Merrily's' orginal playwright--one of them at least--George S. Kaufman, whose play of the same name was the basis for the musical.

Confused? OK, back to David; the other thing I attribute to him is my coming out; he gave me the courage and conviction to do so. Which I do not regret for a minute, darlings; you better believe it.

Years later, I found out another gent, whom I later became acquainted with, and still am, Tom DiMaggio, was at the same performance!!!!!!! Serendipity just surrounds me with this show.

By the time I saw the Halloween preview, Jim Walton was now playing Franklin Shepard. And when I saw it again, two weeks later, after it opened, and before it closed, what I saw pretty much matched my preview performance, which meant the show was pretty set then. At least, as much as I can recall, going back 31 years.

I remember when Intermission broke, right after "Now, Yoo Know!" everyone was talking about Ann Morrison!!!!!!! Here was the Star Of My Generation, darlings!!! Well, about a year later, for something that I was writing for a class, I contacted Ann, who graciously sat withh me to chat about 'Merrily'; something for which I am forever grateful. A lovelier person in the biz I have yet to encounter.
And I did see her in "Goblin Market," which was brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!

I was of a performer bent, from the time I could walk, but thanks to the inspiration of the show, David and Ann, I followed my theatrical path, which took me through voice lessons, HB, and an appearance in the VLOG production of "The Pajama Game" a decade back. I recall singing "Not A Day Goes By" at a friend's Memorial Service, and, for awhile, could not face singing it. I was not looking to be Meryl Streep, so I have to see my theatrical adventures contented me.

And remember, dears, it ain't over, till it's over! So, who knows?

But back to 'Merrily.' In some ways, I feel with this show, as my parents' generation must have when they first went to "Follies" originally, in 1971. This may very well be "Follies" for baby boomers.

What a difference 31 years can make in one's reaction to a show.
I was overjoyed by the Original; I embraced "Opening Doors" and "Our Time," as though speaking to me and for me. I was young enough (25) back then to have been in 'Merrily', and looking a lot younger then, who knows?

Last night's performance was so heartfelt. I was glad my beloved
Monsieur was with me, to guide me. When the Overture segued into "Good Thing Going," I am telling you, I cried REAL tears!!!!!!!!! And when I heard "Opening Doors" and "Our Time," with all MY life experience behind me, they broke my heart in ways that would not have been possible before. Hearing the score, that orchestra, the actors, was a magical experience, capped off by something I had only heard about the day before.

It was Kismet, for me, I guess. For at last night's performance, a good many of the show's Original Cast was to be there, and join the current onstage at the close, for a rendition of "Old Friends." Yes, the show's Holy Trinity--Jim Walton, Ann Morrison, and Lonny Price were there. And so, too, darlings, was Mr. Sondheim!!!!!!! I even passed Lonny in the men's room line; a ritual I hardly pay attention to, but he would stand out, anywhere!

I sailed home on a cloud, and like Liza Doolittle, who "Could Have Danced All Night," it took yours truly a bit to wind down. I just had to send an email to Ann Morrison, who looked so smashing last eve, and,, honestly, when the casts began singing, I could clearly hear her voice. And I was upstairs, darlings!!!!!!

So, 'Merrily' was, and will continue to be, special for me in ways other shows cannot. And now I hear Lonny Price is doing a documentary film on the cast and its growth over the years. Hey, Lonny, as I am sure you know, "Merrily' has a tremendous fan base!!!!!! If you want to use viewers of the Original for the project I am more than willing!!!!!!!!!!!

Ready for my close-up, Mr. Price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, thank you, 'Merrily', past and present! May we keep going along, and may the dreams never die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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