Thursday, February 16, 2012

Darlings, This Bitch Is Full Of Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, girls, I did not want to use the "S" word, because how would that fit in with a social tea????? Not very acceptable, I can tell you. So I chose the less harsh word, because no matter how you look at it, it still amounts to a hill of...Ooops!!!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is...Tyrirk Harris, of Tacony, Philadelphia!!!!!!!

Too bad "Cold Case" went off the air; this would have been something!!!!!!!!!

It seems Harris and his girlfriend, whom he had had a history of abusing, as well, had a reputation about their neighborhood for being rude, disrespectful...generally, the Neighbors From Hell!!!!!!!

And poor Frank Santana, their next door neighbor, was the tragic casualty of all this. It seems the Harris' two dogs, a German Shepperd and a Chihuahua, were allowed to come and go--that includes relieving themselves, darlings!--anywhere they pleased. So, when the two dogs defecated on Santana's front lawn, the man politely asked his neighbor if he would simply clean it up. Harris response was to say,, "Are you getting cocky with me?" Then he pulled out a gun, shooting Santana directly in the face, and, once the poor man was down, fired several times at the body, till he was dead!!!!!!!!!!

What is wrong with people, darlings????????? More to the point, what is wrong with this guy? If doggy doo was all it took to set him off, God forbid a bigger catastrophe did not come along.

Harris definitely has issues. Maybe they are drug related, who knows? I hate to see what the outcome would have been if the offense had been more dire. Then, perhaps, the entire Santana family (who had recently moved to Philly from Yonkers) would have been wiped out!

Instead, this guy wipes out a decent man, with a lovely family, and a promising future!!!!!!!! Including a six week old daughter!!!!!! I think the slammer is in this scum's future!!!!!!!!!

When I read about Harris, I could think of no better choice this week for Bitch Of The Week. Even seasoned criminals might be incredulous over the absurdity of his offense. And I would not blame them.

We will all feel better when Harris is locked up. Pity it will not bring Frank Santana back. But you can bet, darlings, this bitch has got things coming to him, and I bet, once he hits prison, he will receive plenty!!!!!!!!!!!

Another week, another bitch, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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