Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miss Seldes Will Be At The Theater In Half An Hour!!!!!!!

Girls, while I am still wiping tears from my eyes, thanks to 'Merrily' the other evening, comes word on the Great White Way, that the much anticipated preview performance of "Death Of A Salesman" will be cancelled, due to Philip Seymour Hoffman having the flu!!!!!!

Yeah, right!

Methinks, perhaps, Mr. Hofffman may have bitten off more than he can chew (though from the looks of things, darlings, he can certainly chow down!!!!!!) in tackling the 'Lear'-esque role of Willy Loman. Hey, Phil, if you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen!!!!!!! Where is Marian Seldes when you need her??????? The woman played the entire run of "Deathtrap," never missing a single performance. Maybe Marian should step in as Willy!!!!!!!!!

Or, better yet, is Meryl available???????? Didn't I tell you, here, darlings, when this project was first announced that Meryl, who can do anything, should just go ahead and play this role. Bet she wouldn't miss the first preview!!!!!!!!! Maybe Mr. Hoffman is nervous about having to perform for Meryl!!!!! OR the Raving Queen!!!!
Phil darling, you have a point, there!!!!!!!!!!

This is not an auspicious start to reviving a classic. I recall when Brian Dennehy did the role--I missed him, unfortunately!!!!!-- I recall him having a heart attack one night, after the show, and he was back on the next night!!!!!!! After a heart attack!!!!!!!!!

Come on, Philip; what ever happened to the show must go on?????? Listen, back in high school, at one point, I took the SAT's with a 104 fever!!!!!! So, if I can do it, you can do it, Philip!!!!!! Have tables placed backstage, both sides, with fluids and meds, and keep taking in between times onstage. That is how you do it, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"On with the 'Forgotten, Man' number," loves!!!!!!!! Bring in MERYL!!!!!!!!!

Shine on those bright lights, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That last revival was fantastic. I have zero desire to see this one. Brian D. was so much better than the other much heralded performance that year, Kevin Spacey in The Iceman Cometh. Spacey just did a perfect impression, ala Rich Little, of Jason Robards. Well I can do a perfect imitation of Baby Jane Hudson, but nobody's gonna nominate me for a Tony for doing it!

  2. My sentiments, exactly!!! And I saw Jason Robards do a revival of 'Iceman,' so I certainly did not feel compelled to see Kevin Spacey. As for 'Salesman," I may HAVE to see it. I have done just about everything with this play except sit through a staging. I think Linda Emond will do a great job, but Mr. H is problematic. Mike Nichols is said to be directing this, but have you looked at him lately??? He seems so frail!!!!!!!!
