Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Would Be Remiss If I Did Not Say Something, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!

Would you believe that, last night, at the height of the party in Jersey I just recounted, we learned that former Jersey girl, herself, Whitney Houston, had died????

It was shocking enough, darlings, to stop the action for several minutes!!!!!

Now, I cannot say I was a Whitney fan. I admired her talent; she had an impressive instrument, but let's just say I took issue with how she used it. That God awful wailing on "And I Will Always Love You" rankled me as much as Celine Dion's screeching out, "My Heart Will Go On!!!!!"

But Whitney was Dionne Warwick's niece, and Cissy's daughter, so the gene pool of talent was impressive. And who knows, maybe if she had gone on, she would have morphed into a different style, not unlike say, what Linda Ronstadt did, during her "What's New?" period.

It is sad saying farewell to Houston, who was only 48!!!! And ME, only 24!!!!!
I was always more partial to her other song, "With Somebody To Love Tonight!"

Let us pray, girls that Whitney is now with whom she loves, and who love her!!!!!

But to those who loved her here on Earth, she will be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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