Sunday, February 12, 2012

What A Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!! From Broadway, To Bellville!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this was one of the fastest paced Saturdays I have endured in a long time!!! I got up early, because I had to go to work, and put in a full day!!! On this evening, one of the coldest yet this Winter, Monsieur and I had to go out to where I have never been--Bellville, New Jersey--because my friend, Joe, was being given a Surprise 50th Birthday Party!!!!

Actually, Joe does not officially turn 50, until this coming Friday, the 17th!!!!!
But he and his partner, Norman, are planning to spend the birthday weekend in Montreal, a city Joe loves, and which he had planned to do all along, wanting to downplay reaching this milestone age!!!!!!!!

However, his simply lovely niece, Maeve, daughter of his brother, Johnny and his wife Bridget, had planned this for him, so when Tom, my cherub, called me earlier this past week to inform me, there was no question, on ether Monsieur's or my, parts, that we would be there!!!! This was not to be missed.

So, last night found us at Port Authority, trying to get a bus out to Bellville. We literally just MISSED the 6:30 bus, which was pulling out, as we arrived!!!!! Shit!!!!!!!!! Of course, I misread the bus schedule, thinking there was
another one at 6:40. Thankfully, Monsieur was with me, to straighten all this out, and it turned out we had an hour's wait--the next Bellville bound bus was 7:30!!!!!
So, wait we did!!!! And with Monsieur, and a book, the time went fast!!! Tom called to find out what was going on, and I told him what bus we were getting, the time to arrive, and to meet us on the corner of Rutgers and Washington Roads, which is near The Motorcycle Mall, which, darlings, you have just got to SEE to believe!!!! It could only be in New Jersey!!!! Let me tell you, Bellville is a lovely town, but its idea of Saturday night action was far different from what this Town Princess is used to!!!!

Tom picked us up, drove us to Johnny;s house, where Maeve proved to be a lovely and gracious host!!!! It was great seeing all Joe's siblings and their families; his partner, Norman and I, got to do some Theater Queen Chat, Mike Ditore and I got to do some movie chat, and Gary, with his partner, Byron, were charming and gracious, as always. There was wine (home made, darlings!!!! I could have been tanked!!!!), lasagna (just like what Liza made for Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor,and Halston!!!!), sausage and peppers, salad, a big chocolate cake, coffee, and Italian pastries and cookies!!!! The house was charming, and the layout, reminded me of Joe's!!!!

Soon, it was 11PM, and, honey, this Cinderella had to get back to the City fast!!!! As Tom drove us through Bellville to get to Newark Penn Station (so we could take the PATH back) we actually saw a skunk in the street!!!! A REAL skunk!!!!! In Bellville???? Guess I am only used to the two legged, corporate ones, in Manhattan!!!!!

We did not walk in the door till 12:30!!!!!! What a day!!!! I would not have missed it for the world!!!!! As I said to Joe, in his card, I cannot believe he has reached 50!!!! Where has the time gone??????

Happy Birthday, Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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