Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading Habits Alter With Life Changes!!!!!!!!!!

When I was in high school, I did a lot of reading. I also had this notebook insertion about study skills, which at one point said, "You have more opportunity for reading during your school years than at any other time in your life," which even back then I knew was a crock. Because so much of the reading done was prescribed--to get into college, and then, maybe, graduate or professional school. Reading may have been fundamental, but, for many, it simply was not FUN!!!!!!!!

It never lost its magic for me. Since 1968, I have kept an index card boxed record of every book read, from 1968 on. As I got older, and school became a distancing memory, my reading time actually increased; with no school pressures, and a rather lengthy commute into the city to work, I was free to read whenever, and I made the most of it. I still set a goal of 100 books a year. Several years back, I actually topped it, at 114!!!! The really frustrating years were when I reached 95 or 97!!!!!!!!!

But not so much age, as life changes, has trimmed my reading time almost in half. Part of that is this blog, which I do as much for my girls as for myself, and I have no regrets therein. The other is Monsieur, the best reason to stop reading of all!!!! And, yes, if I am going to be honest, I must acknowledge Monsieur and cite my (as he terms it) "addiction" to the "Law And Order" franchise--be it regular, 'SVU', or 'Criminal Intent'!!!!!!! Sometimes, I just need to chill out with a nice relaxing serial killer story, or social deviant. Reading is as fundamental to me as it ever was, but it has gotten to the point when the prospect of waiting in a doctor's office, or a long plane trip turns out to be pleasant, as it will afford me sizable chunks of reading time I might not otherwise have. Generally, I would finish out January with about half a dozen books read; this year I will clock out at 4. Not bad, but not up to my usual standards. And I am not about to lament all these life changes--they have been, and are, simply wonderful. But when we gain we sometimes lose.

Of course I don't intend to stop reading, even if it comes down to me, at some point, having to use a magnifying glass. Don't get me started on Kindle or Nook; that is for another discussion. But for those of us who are serious readers, and actually have LIVES, Time becomes a precious commodity. I am reminded of that shot in "Gone With The Wind,' when it is nap time at Twelve Oaks, and there is a sun clock, with a cat sleeping beneath it, on which are emblazoned the words, "Do Not Squander Time. That Is The Stuff Life Is Made Of."

So don't squander that time, darlings!!!!!!!!!! Make the most of what you have!!!!!!!

But let me assure you, it is IMPOSSIBLE to read, during a facial!!!!! Do not even TRY it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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