Thursday, February 2, 2012

So, We Are At The Mid-Point Of Winter, Darlings!!!!!!!!!

As far as Groundhog Day goes, girls, the Gold Standard is Punxstawney Phil, from the Pennsylvania town of the same name. Unbelievable as it may seem, he DID see his shadow, and that means we are going to have six more weeks of Winter.

But, hey, so far, the first six weeks HAS been like an early Spring. If Winter continues in this fashion, I do not think there will be many complaints. But I must warn all my fair skinned girls--with so little precipitation falling this Winter, I predict the Summer of 2012 is going to be a sizzler!!!!!!! So stock up on that sun screen, as soon as we reach May 1.

Groundhog Day is just one more thing that makes February a fun month, removes it further from January's doldrums, and points toward the hope of Spring. So, thanks to everyone in PA for sponsoring and celebrating this event.

And forget about competitions from Staten Island and elsewhere, Punxstawney Phil is the REAL thing!!!!!!!!!!!

Though I just LOVED, years back, when the Staten Island Ground Hog bit Mike Bloomberg!!!!!!!!!!

Only in New York, kiddies, as Liz Smith would say!!!!!!!!!

Happy Groundhog Day, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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