Thursday, February 2, 2012

Girls, Scum Just Never Stops Evolving!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post may make you gag, darlings, because the winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week Award is one sicko who takes the prize, even by the standards of deviancy. Just when you think you have heard everything, along comes something to surprise you!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Mark Berndt!!!!!

This guy, 61 years of age, has taught in the Los Angles schools system for 30 years. He has taught third grade, and has been under police surveillance for a year. He is charged with 23 counts of lewd acts against children--standard pedophile stuff--BUT it was his predilections that really go beyond anything I have heard of, darlings!!!!!

He is charged with photographing children in acts of bondage. What I want to know is, how did he get child sized equipment????? Did he have it fashioned specifically so???? And why didn't alleged designer get suspicious????? He is also charged with feeding (brace yourselves, girls, this is GROSS) semen, which was ingested on cookies. Let's face it, children this age would not know what it was, so it is safe to say both acts were enforced by Berndt!!!!!!!!!

So much is wrong here--morally, medically--it makes one cry out!!!!!! Why couldn't this sicko simply indulge himself, and control these impulses, in the privacy of his home, jerking off to some "Mr. Bill" DVD's????????

What I find hard to believe is that it has taken three decades to oust this scum!!!!!!!! Now there are cries of outrage from parents, administrators, and the community!!!!!!! I wonder, whenever Berndt began his debauchery, if some child did not say something....but was disbelieved. If that were the case, then all the children he is charged with violating could have been saved.

But I am speaking hypothetically of course. Berndt has been arrested, placed in custody, and I see a lifetime of prison for him--either the Hole (solitary) or a scenario, where, like Jeffrey Dahmer, he will be murdered.

Mark Berndt, this week's Bitch Of The Week, breaks new ground!!!!!!! And that is NOT a compliment, darlings!!!!!!!!! Now, let's hope the legal system breaks HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Times like this, I think the Queen of Hearts in "Alice In Wonderland" had the right idea!!!!!!!!!!!

"Off with his head!"

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