Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Sollllllllllllllllllllomon.....He Had A Thousand Wives!!!"

Girls, you would not believe where Monsieur and I were last night! Huddled in warmth, on a cold Winter night, amidst the cavernous canyons of apartments on West 30th Street in Manhattan. Huddled in one particular apartment of real 1940's style and charm--just like the one occupied by Maureen O'Hara and Natalie Wood in "Miracle On 34th Street"--hosted by two charming chaps, named Solomon and Merle!!!!!

That Solomon; he is a wild one!!!! But he is also a wiz in the kitchen, for out of this tiny room came a festive endive and beet salad, with scrumptious Matzoh Ball Soup, followed by the most tasty meatballs (the size of some hot guys' testicles, darlings!!!!!) and tenderest juiciest turkey, accompanied by delicious string beans, European style!!!! Capped off by a luscious bread pudding and ice cream!!!!!

Oh, and Challah bread--my favorite!!!!!

And the table was set so impressively, I swear I thought the Ghost of Gene Tierney was going be our surprise guest. Or that Dorothy McGuire would walk through, with a pot of coffee!!!!!!

Joining us were those two Queens cut ups, Eddie and Brian!!!!! They were just SO cute, darlings!!!! NOT joining us, but supposed to, was Bruce, who hang over the place the way Rebecca hangs over Manderly in the Du Maurier novel, and Selznick movie!!!! But who would have been Mrs. Danvers????? Your guess is as good as mine, loves!!!!!

The real surprise of the evening turned out to be Solomon's charming and accommodating partner, Merele, who regaled us with vocal and instrumental renderings on his guitar, proving he is ready to bring back the Village Folk Scene!!!!!! Who could have known??????

The evening spun by so fast it was all a blurr. My only regret was I was not energetic enough to perform myself, after the stressful week I had, and then working a full day, which, for technological reasons, turned out to be one of the most stressful ever!!!! So, I promised one and all that, by my next visit I would learn the the song "Solomon (He Had A Thousand Wives!!!!)", which is by Cole Porter, and from his 1933 London premiered musical, "The Nymph Errant!" That's "nymph," not "nympho," and, darlings, I am NOT!!!!!!!

But what an evening we had!!!! Solomon here may not have a thousand wives, but he does have an abundance of hostessing skills!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen DO know how to entertain and BE entertained, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

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