Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Darlings, This Is One Bishop Who Does Not Merit A Hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In New York City Catholicism, girls, if you become a bishop, then get elevated to cardinal, when deceased, your hat goes on the ceiling of St. Patrick's Cathedral, which is pretty prestigious. Let's see Roseann Scamardello try and top that!!!!!!!!!!!

But just because one is named Bishop does not mean one is holy, and nowhere was this better seen than in the "Law And Order Criminal Intent" episode, "Bright Boy."

The story involved solving the murder of a deputy mayor and social worker. But it was far more interesting for what it DID reveal.

Tim Guinee, in an excellent performance, plays David Bishop, a parent you can really hate!!!! He turns out to be the murderer--the deputy mayor was just excess baggage in the way; the social worker was the intended target, because this sick prick believed she might deny his 10-year-old son, Robbie (Liam Aiken, in a brilliant performance)admission to a prestigious program for gifted children!!!!!

But is Robbie Gifted????? It turns out, and this is truly sad, that he is NOT. He is bright enough; David Bishop's wife indicated such before she died, and now that he is alone with Robbie, the sick father takes that, and runs with it, because he wants to satisfy his attention needy ego!!!! He was a math genius in high school, but failed to live up to expectations, due to dyslexia. He tries all kinds of attention getting careers--rock performer, stock car driver, succeeding at none, because he cannot stick to it. So, that means he is going to use Robbie to further his ego, even if it is not what Robbie wants. Robbie does not want to spend his life being memory coached by Daddy on concepts he cannot possibly understand, just espouse. And he does not want to understand those concepts. He would rather play baseball, and spend time with his aunt, uncle, and cousins.

Robbie is so afraid of disappointing his father, who is so blindsided he cannot see the signals Robbie is sending out. The child has been reduced to a nervous, suicidal wreck, but do you think Daddy cares???? I am telling you, when they hauled that sick bastard off, letting him know Robbie would now be raised by his aunt and uncle, I am sorry they did allow someone to punch the guy in the mouth before taking him away.

The murder is what got him taken away. But I consider what he did to Robbie just as bad. And now this egotist will spend time among REAL lowlifes, who will drag him down, making him discover the skunk he really is. Choke on it, bitch!!!!!!!!!

So, like I said, this is one Bishop, who will never merit a hat!!!!! Such behavior proves there is more than one way to abuse a child!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that right, Norma Brodsky??????????????????????????? I was gifted beyond what you were capable of teaching, and I knew it as far back as fourth grade, at Wrong Side Of The Tracks Irving!!!! I could certainly relate to Robbie, but in a reverse sort of way!!!! I fixed YOU, you anti-Dickens bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go gum your Early Bird special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is more than one way for the abused to confront their abuser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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