Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just Because I Am Ill, Darlings, Does Not Mean I have Lost My World Awareness!!!!!

And, loves, no, I am not nearly as ill as Helen Hayes' Catherine, pictured above, with Gary Cooper, in the 1932 "A Farewell To Arms." Honey, I love the theatricality of the shot, but I never saw the film, and I could not get through the minimalist prose style of Hemingway's novel!!! And you know how literary I am, darlings!!!!!!!!!! To date, the only work of Papa's I have been able to finish was "The Old Man And The Sea," and that was for ninth grade English. John Steinbeck's "The Pearl," which told a similar story, was by far better because--and go ahead, shoot me, you academic bitches!!!--Ernest Hemingway was the most overrated writer in American literature!!!! Darlings, I would put Jacqueline Susann above him, because with just ONE novel ("Valley Of The Dolls") she did more for generations than Hemingway!!!!! I mean, where would I be, it it weren't for Neely???????

If only poor Tyler Clementi had someone or something to latch on to that might have fostered a belief in himself, then he might have been here to speak for himself, as no one could, in the trial of that despicable Dahrun Ravi, now going on in New Brunswick!!!!!

You think I would forget about THIS, darlings???? If that Dahrun gets off, it unleashes a Pandora's box of permissible homophobia in this country. Which I am sure Steven Altman and the defense and such would just love to see; anything to preserve the status quo, so THEIR precious lifestyle does not get destroyed. Never mind the rights and privacy of not only gays, but, really, EVERYONE!!! And never mind the Clementis, who have been destroyed enough, and whose hearts are daily being ripped out by what they are now witnessing on a daily basis. Darlings, I have seen M.B.'s (I feel like calling him Milton Bradley!!!) hands. They are nice hands, and someone taught him how to put on a nice shirt, but, when I read that James Celemnti, eldest of the boys, and gay himself, left the court for awhile while he was on the stand, I had to wonder. Is there something unseemly about the guy? Was Tyler, in some way, taken advantage of? And what of M.B. whose age keeps rising each time I read about him. When first mentioned, way back, he was said to be 25. Later, "around 30." Then 30 itself. And, just recently, 32!!!! What is it??? I do not buy the notion that this was a pedophile. Tyler was 18, an adult, and mature enough; having read of his personal belief that no one should have sex until the age of 18!!!!

No one who is gay makes perfect choices all the time, darlings; hell, MY history is proof of that!!!!! But Tyler was at what should have been the start of his journey, which meant, eventually, better choices would have come along. As his brother James said, in that moving article, there was so much joy in Tyler, it was just a matter of time before those better choices began stepping forward. But Tyler was not given that chance.

I am less concerned with the intimacy between the mysterious, seeming sexual hypocrite M.B., and Tyler, than I am about a remark of his I read, saying he does not want Ravi to go to jail. Why???? Is he so afraid of violating his hypocrisy that he would allow homophobia to thrive, especially one that violated his privacy and rights, as well???? You have to wonder what is wrong with this guy, and that maybe James had a valid reason for walking out of that court room.

At least, things do not seem to look so good for Ravi. M.B. has talked of indisputably recognizing the presence of a webcam in the room with Tyler. And there is evidence, by peers, that Ravi has Twittered, or whatever (the rotten twit!!!) his cronies about inviting them to a viewing party of this assignation, admonishing "We've got to keep the gays away!!!"

Excuse me???? So, this is immaturity, excused as a prank??? No, it is cold and calculating hatred. I have long been convinced Ravi is not merely homophobic, but a sociopath. There is no curing such. But there is a way he can be punished, and the time to do so is NOW!!!!! Not only gay, but civil, rights hang on the balance of this case. Whatever the outcome, its reverberations will be felt for years to come!!!!

And, girls, MY reverberations will be felt longer than that! Remember that famous exchange between Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop????

Lamb Chop: What do you thank I am; an Arnold Benedict??????
Shari Lewis: That's Benedict Arnold!!!!!
LC: And he was even WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
SL: Right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Believe it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Justice For Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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