Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Have A Sinus Infection, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just think, girls, if I had taken AP Bio, like Roberta, I could have gone into diagnostics!!!! Well, as far back as Thursday, when I began to feel "not right," I thought to myself, "I wonder if I am getting a sinus infection?" Well, yesterday, I went to the doctor, and, lo and behold, that is what has been troubling me. But this has been TERRIBLE!!!! I have not had one in years-- I can't remember when the last one was--but I do recall they were never as severe as this. Annoying, yes!!! But not severe!!!

Perhaps they were not as severe because I was younger. And the reason I got so many of them back then, was, I am sure , from, ahem, social interaction. I mean, I was always careful with HIV and STD's, but there is no eliminating germs during kissing and smooching. I am not even talking about anything else. So, back then, it seemed like I would get sinus infections, which, just as quickly, seemed to disappear. And as age and life change knocked me off one party circuit, and onto another, well the opportunities dried up, and I was not complaining!!!!

So, when this one seemed to come out of nowhere, it knocked me for a loop!!!!! Either this was a really bad one, or, because of age, it just knocks me out more than it used to.

I mean, this is the third day I have been out of work!!! I may have issues, but let me tell you, people know I am REALLY sick, because I don't do this. Besides, if I were going to hole up on a beach in the Caribbean, and say "Shove it!", the postcard would have arrived by now!!!!!

Plus this is interfering with my soda fountain cruising, enabling me to get discovered, like Lana Turner. Bet if Lana ever got a sinus infection, that must have been some chest compress, honey!!!! How about Dolly Parton????

So, I am telling all my girls, do your best to stay healthy. You do not want this, I can assure you.

And mark my words, when my voice DOES return, it will be like Judy at the Palace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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