Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Bucks For Rolls, A Salad (With Half Dressing), Soup, And Beverage!!!!!

          Want a cheap meal, dolls???? Then come to the WestWay Diner, on Ninth Avenue,
in the West 40s.  You won't believe what you can get away with.  That's because the staff
is so incredibly lazy and disorganized.

          I really cannot blame Monsieur, whose idea was fundamentally good.  Having
sped straight from work to the theater, for a 7PM curtain, we had no time to chow down.
So, he figured we would dine in the area, prior to going home.  If only he had listened to me,
where we would have been served expeditiously by the enchanting Cesare at the Bus Stop
Cafe, he of the youthful visage, and impressive upper arms.  But how was I to know what
we were in for, uptown????

         What happened was, no sooner were we seated in the not surprisingly empty diner--
a rather large one, if you will--  when a group of 30 or more tourists barnstormed the place,
and, in its haste to satisfy them, the waiting staff just about ignored everyone else.  Including us.

           Hear me up, WestWay!!!!!!!!  You do NOT ignore the Raving Queen.  You think
I am content with half a salad and dressing, a cuppa soup, and some rolls????? Go scratch,
you bitches!!!!!!!!!!  When I get done with you, no one will set foot in your place again.  Or,
if they do, you will lose so much money, because everyone will be getting basically freebies,
like us!!!!!!!!!!  Just ask the manager of the defunct Paris Commune downtown!!!!!!!!!!

            There is no excuse for such shoddy service!!!!!!!!!  Where are all the job seekers who
want to work????  Looks  like there are plenty of waiter jobs needed here???? And what was
the owner/manager doing, drinking tea behind the register, acting as though he were Eve Arden
as Ida Corwin, when patrons were not being served??????  I've seen better business management
from students at local community colleges!!!!!!!!!!!

             This diner may have played us for fools once, but we will not be burned twice!  I am
urging my girls to avoid this place, unless you really need to grab something cheap.  And I don't mean
some of the sleazoid,  low class patrons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                You better watch your way, WestWay!  Or else, as Liz  Taylor said in "Butterfield
8"--"No sale!"

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