Thursday, March 29, 2012

Darlings, We Have Us A Real New York Bitch This Week!!!!!!!!

           You know the saying, girls--there is no bitch like a New York City bitch, and
Mr. Beauchamp more than qualifies.  This 33 year old, allegedly homeless individual,
said to be connected in some way to the Occupy Wall Street movement, got into a
skirmish last Friday eve at the Bedford Avenue L station, with a young college student
named Joshua Basin, a 20 year old psych major at LaGuardia Community College.

          Now, as all my girls know, the milk of human kindness flows in my veins. I am
a Christian humanitarian, like Sister Peg on 'SVU'.  At least, I try to do my best.  No
way would I judge the homeless, but in this particular case Mr. Beauchamp--who is
not a French aristocrat or movie star--seems to have overstepped some boundaries.

          Having no idea of his diagnostic status, I cannot say if he was not on meds he
should have been.  But when he pushed into Joshua Basin, as soon as he stepped from
the train, what I cannot understand is why Joshua did not keep going, and find a police
man--even if he had to go outside, and report this.  Somehow, Beauchamp kept
harassing him, the two got into a physical encounter that resulted in both of them
tumbling off the platform and onto the tracks.  Mr. Beauchamp made it back up to
the platform; Mr. Basin, unfortunately, did not.

          Should this Bitch Of The Week be charged with murder????  You better believe
it, but in legal land, where supposedly cooler heads prevail, he is getting off with only
harassment and attempted assault.  The first I will grant you.  The second--excuse me???
He caused Basin to tumble onto the tracks,  from where he never escaped.  I think that
constitutes a little more than attempted assault. Not only was it successful assault, it resulted
in a promising young man getting killed.

           Just wait and see--Beauchamp will probably get his own reality based episode on
"Law And Order SVU."  Maybe he will even make a guest appearance. The only appearance
this guy needs to make is at a court hearing for his sentence, and then some time in the

            So, here is to this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week
Award, Ryan Beauchamp.  What is it about this city that brings out the bitch in

              Until next week, all my bitches and bitch lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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