Thursday, March 29, 2012

Into The Delacorte, And Out Of The Delacorte, And Home Before Dark!!!!!!!!

             Well, not really, sweets, because the Delacorte shows, which take place in the
Summer, do not go up till after dark, which is part of the fun of watching.  Anyhow, I
just got word that Jessie Mueller, one of the two reasons for sitting through the otherwise
abysmal recent revival of 'On A Clear Day' (the other being the sparkling Mr. David
Turner, which begs the question of why he has not turned up on the cast roster yet.  Dare
we hope for him as the Baker????) is going to step into the role of Cinderella in the much
anticipated Summer production of "Into The Woods."  This means she will be delivering
the Sondheim song "On The Steps Of The Palace," and after seeing what she did in 'Clear
Day,' I can assure you this will be at treat for Theater Queens, and their subjects, alike.

             Some of the minor roles--like the Narrator, Jack, Granny, Cinderella's mother--
have been cast, and I am not all impressed with the lineup.  Jack Broderick, a young actor
featured on Broadway in "Billy Elliot," is slated to do the Narrator, which is an interesting
concept, as that role is usually done by a much older actor.  Like Tom Aldredge in the

             However, the big, pivotal roles--the Witch, the Baker and Wife, Little Red
Riding Hood--still have yet to be cast, or at least announced.  You all know whom I
am holding out for, in the role of the Witch, in which case, when the play runs--during the
period of something like July 23-August 25, the grounds near the Delacorte could become
sleeping quarters for just about every theater maven in this city, who hope to get themselves
a ticket.  And since I predict (based on our unusually warm winter) that this will be a sizzling
summer, you can bet there will be plenty of sleepers camped out.

              Honestly, camping out for a live event at my age???? I did not even do this
during the rock concert era!!!!!!!!  But if I must, yes I must.  Maybe I will see some of
my girls there, and we can dish!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Nevertheless, Jessie Mueller is a fabulous casting choice!  Let's hope the major
roles follow suit!

                 Including Milky White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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