Thursday, March 29, 2012

This Is Worth Catching, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Keith Haring, he of the tubular, phallic artistry, who first began surfacing as scroll on
subway walls in the 80's, and on the wall of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender Community
Center (the original room it is in was once a cruisy bathroom; now it is a staid meeting room--go figure!),
is now on display at the Brooklyn Museum.  They are running a show of his early work from 1978 (when he first moved to NYC) to 1982, and I am urging all my girls to go.  I don't know how Monsieur and I will
fit this into our schedules, but this is certainly one exhibit I would love to see.  In addition to the
aforementioned imagery, his sense of color was superb, like many artists.  Of course, his life was cut too
short by AIDS, as were so many of the great creators (like director Michael Bennett) who, were they
here today, might have gone on to make a difference,  and bring a sense of hope to those of us who lament
this "Spring Awakening" phase of our cultural era.

                  The Haring exhibit opened last week, and runs through July 8. So, there is plenty of time for
Monsieur and moi, not to mention all my girls, to get out to Brooklyn, and view this. Don't give me any excuses, like Spring cleaning, or a face lift!!!!!!!!!!!!  You can still make time to traipse out and see the
exhibit.  An afternoon of looking at Keith Haring  could be restorative to the soul, let alone be eye catching.
Plus, darlings, for those of you who may be single, the Gay Factor for this is tremendously high, so you could end up meeting the man of your dreams here.  But just remember--good girls do just what Mama says, when Mama's not around!!!!!!!!!!

                   So, here's hoping I see some of you there!  Since it runs through July 8, it is a given it
will be on during Pride Week in June.  What better way to honor the community and Haring's artistry
than to visit this exhibit then!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    And make sure your toes are painted, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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