Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Attacked By A Creature From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is exactly what happened to the Haines family during those tragic early morning hours of May 12, 2007.  At precisely 2am, EST, Alec Devon Kreider literally murdered the family--father Tom, mother Lisa and his alleged best friend Kevin, in their beds.

If this sounds somewhat familiar, girls, it is because I posted about it a week or so back, due to a program I had seen  on Investigation Discovery, called "Unuusal Suspects."  What I found out subesquently, is there has been a book written about the murder and the case, by Michael W. Cueno.  It is excellent, as it elaborates and expalins topics that the television program could only begin to outline.

Alec Devon Kreider truly is a Creature From Helll!!!!!!!!  On this rathe bizarre and witty webiste, called "Poeple You'll See In Hell," he is clearly mentioned.  Remember the publicity poster for the AIP teen exploitation horror film of the 50s, entitled "I Was A Teenage Frankenstein?"  It went something like this:
Body of a Boy
      Mind of a Monster
Soul of a Thing

Which is as good a description of Alec Kreider, as any I can think of.  I am glad to post on this topic a second time, because I wanted a chance to show Alec Kreider's fourth victim, pictured above.  This is Maggie Haines, the oldest daughter of the Haines family, and now their only survivor. Oh, she has uncles and aunts, with whom she stayed during that horrifying time, but when it comes to immeidte family, at the now age of 25 (still incredibly young) she has no one.  My heart goes out to Maggie, who has to live with this for the remainder of her natural days.  I can only pray for peace for her, and that, when tihe time comes, she and her family will be reunnited.

What is also disturbing is when you find out from Cueno's book, that Kreider had no idea Maggie was home; that he knew she was coming home from college, but he thought she would not be home for a few days more.  Which makes it clear she was not the intended target; Kevin was. However, a journal entry indicates that had he known about Maggie, or had their paths crossed during that night, he would have raped and then killed her.  Nice, huh???? Lucky Maggie!!!!!!!!!  But that luck comes with a price that she has paid every day since the aftermath of those murders.  She even had to bear the indignity of first being thought a suspect. Which, on one level is understandable; on another, it is simply unfathomable.
But many thought Alec, even when he was found out, was unfathomable.  Except, when you dug deeper, what was found was a walking time bomb of rage, narcissism, and arrogance.  Like many teens, Alec felt he was superior to his peers.  But narcissists don't always kill.  To me, Alec Kreider suggested a latter day Richard Leob, the more lethal and pathological of the Leopold-Loeb team, immortalized in the book, play and movie  "Compulsion" (based on the book by Meyer Levin).  And don't forget Loeb was the one who was murdered in prison, and after having been there awhile, so young Mr. Kreider had better watch out.

Alec's sociopathology was pretty much the same as Loeb's--he simply wanted to kill, to see what it was like. He wanted to kill Kevin because of their friendship, and because on a deeper level he seemed to resent all Kevin had, in terms of familial happiness.  And he makes clear in his writings that, had he not been apprehended, he would have killed again.  And that his confession was less a cry of remorse than the anxious teenager's need to "brag to somebody" about what he did.

This is truly a Creature From Hell, who seems to be right at home there.  He is a leading exponent of walking evil, and, on some level, he would prove an excellent source of study for behaviorists. But release from prison???? I cannot see it.  Maggie Haines has said if such a thing took place, she would fear for not only her very life, but the lives of countless others.  I agree with her.

So, I highly recommend Cueno's book.  It gives a very penetrating glimpse into the heart of evil.
Walk away from this sicko, at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And read something lighter, afterwards, girls!!!!!  Maybe Candace Bushnell or Lauren Weisberger!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Do you believe everything you read? I know Alec. You do not.

    1. It doesn't matter if someone "knows" him or not! Facts are facts, he took someones life because of his unhappiness with his own!! Just because u know him doesn't make him innocent!!!!!

    2. It doesn't matter if someone "knows" him or not! Facts are facts, he took someones life because of his unhappiness with his own!! Just because u know him doesn't make him innocent!!!!!

    3. It doesn't matter if someone "knows" him or not! Facts are facts, he took someones life because of his unhappiness with his own!! Just because u know him doesn't make him innocent!!!!!

    4. It doesn't matter if someone "knows" him or not! Facts are facts, he took someones life because of his unhappiness with his own!! Just because u know him doesn't make him innocent!!!!!

    5. Controlled Mania, are you kidding me? What do you know about him aside from the fact that he was an aspiring serial killer? I'm glad the piece of crap offed himself in prison.

  2. Go fu*k yourself Alec aka worthless sh*t Maggie Haines is a beautiful woman who didn't deserve what you did go fu*k yourself

  3. And may you die in jail and rot in hell

  4. There was nothing innocent about this monster.

    1. Raving Queen and your posts doesn't help to heal the survivors of both families. Be kind to yourself

    2. Raving Queen and your posts doesn't help to heal the survivors of both families. Be kind to yourself

  5. The Judge in this case was as horrified as the rest of us at the brutal evilness of this maniac - to stab to death totally innocent people and then carry on as if nothing had happened is the trademark of a beast from hell.


  6. And never forget--had she been found out to have been at home, Maggie would not be here today!

  7. Thirteen convicted Lancaster County killers will have their prison sentences reevaluated following a Supreme Court ruling that deemed mandatory life sentences for juvenile offenders like them "unconstitutional."

    Resentencing dates for the 13 will be scheduled in Lancaster County Court, likely in the coming months, the county District Attorney's Office reports. The procedure was announced in a state Supreme Court order filed earlier this week.

    The 13 convicts due for resentencing include Tabitha Buck who was convicted at 17 years of age for aiding in the killing of Laurie Show, a classmate at Conestoga Valley High School, in 1991?

    Also due for resentencing in Lancaster County under the high court's order are:

    • Gregory Sourbeer who was jailed in 1976 for killing his mother in Columbia when he was 14.

    • Alec Kreider who killed three members of a Manheim Township family in May 2007, at the age of 16.

    • Levar Jones who was convicted of shooting taxi driver Brian Whetts during a 1995 robbery in Lancaster at the age of 14.

    • Manuel Ortiz who was Jones' 17-year-old accomplice in the taxi shooting.

    • Ricardo Cruz, the youngest person on the list, who was just 13 when he shot Debbie Rivera, 18, on a city playground in 1992.

    • Melisa McManus who was 17 when she suffocated her newborn baby boy in 1993.

    • Michael Bourgeois who was convicted of torturing and killing his adoptive parents in Ephrata in 2001, at the age of 17.

    • Emru Kebede who was 16 when he conspired to rob and shoot Ray Diener in West Donegal Township in 2007.

    • Aramis Gonzalez III, then 16; Anthony R. Lewis, then 17; Rodney Lee Walton, then 16; and Clarence Laudenberger, then 16, who were each sentenced to life in prison for killing Lancaster city store clerk Michael Heath in 1996.

    The state Supreme Court, in ordering resentencing hearings for these convicts, addressed Ortiz, McManus and Kebede's cases directly, the Lancaster County DA's Office reports.

    DA Craig Stedman also expressed concern about their potential release, if resentencing earns them credit for time already served, saying "many will have no support system whatsoever," upon release, and adding, "We have great concern over what type of person will be walking out into society."

    The state Supreme Court ordered these Lancaster County inmates to be considered for resentencing following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that deemed mandatory life sentences for juvenile killers "unconstitutional."

    In Pennsylvania, first-degree murder convictions, for example, carry an automatic life sentence, regardless of age.

    The decision prompts all prior sentences be re-evaluated, which wasn't previously clear in the U.S. Supreme Court's 2012 ruling on mandatory life terms for juvenile killers, Stedman's office reports.

    There are an estimated 450 juvenile offenders across the state now due for resentencing under the high court ruling


  8. I pray Krieger will not get a reduced sentence. If ever released,
    he will, for certain, kill again!

  9. Krieger? I assume you are referring to KREIDER. You do not know that he would kill again. You can't know. No one knows.

  10. Yes, correct I meant Kreider.
    As for not knowing he will not kill again,
    how can you be so sure, as you are, that he won't.
    The pattern of his social pathology indicates that
    this impulse would surface again, leading to new victims.

  11. There was a very precise personal reason for the murders. He was not a killing machine; he did not strike out wantonly. I'm not going to change your mind and vice versa.


  12. Darling, I know the motive--he coveted the life and family
    his friend had. You sound like you excuse his actions. Well,
    I don't. I am glad Maggie survived, but think how difficult
    going through life is for her because of this deranged kid.

  13. I'm sure you will be happy to know that Alec committed suicide.

    1. That's what I posted earlier. Something like it...but I did write that this young man killed himself . Mental health. Nobody is born a monster. I agree with you, nobody does know. Tske care.


  14. Controlled Mania,

    What? Wen? Where? How? I had no idea.
    No, I am not happy about that. Suicide is
    tragic, no matter who it involves. On one
    hand, it makes m e think Alec was in such pain'
    he felt nothing else would stop it. on another,
    I feel, "Oh crap! More trouble and trauma, for
    poor Maggie! Hasn't she been through enough??????


  15. Unknown,

    I agree with you. He was an aspiring serial
    killer. Had ne not been caught he would
    most definitely killed again!


  16. Unknown,
    This post always comes up only
    when comments are made. I stand
    by what I say. I know he killed
    himself, and, as I did say, that
    is a tragedy for him, and yet
    another trauma for poor Maggie
    to face. My heart goes out
    to her, and remaining family.

    BTW, ID redid this story on a new
    program. I missed it. Did anyone catch it?
    I wonder how it was handled?

  17. I only found out about the new ID segment the day after it aired.


  18. Controlled Mania,

    I did not see the new ID segment.
    How was it handled?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zwih2yZvkIE

    The ID segment

  21. The ID segment is excellent. I just watched it. It's an interview with Alec's father.


  22. Controlled Mania,
    I hope the segment is repated,
    as I would like to see it. There
    was book written about the case,
    years back, called "A Need To Kill."
    I highly recommend it.

  23. I gave you the YouTube link for the ID segment above.

    Yes, I read the book. Nothing can compare with the conversations I personally had with Alec.


  24. Controlled Mania,
    Glad you read the book.
    Did not realize that was the
    link. Will check it out.
    But how did you personally
    talk with Alec?

  25. We were friends prior to the murders and continued to be friends until his death. I spoke to him two days before he died.

    1. Hola quisiera preguntarte por que lo hizo?
      En verdad quisiera saberlo

    2. I Just want to know why he did it
      Since i learne d about this case i have been very interested deep down
      I feel that there is something that the authorities did not investigate well or the parents do not want to say
      I believe that no one is born hating maybe something happened to make me do this please if you
      Know i would really appreciate it i am so sorry for this
      I know that deep down he must have suffered a lot 🖤


  26. Controlled Mania,

    Wow! I had no idea. Kudos
    to you. I am not sure I could
    have retained a friendship with
    a known murderer.


  27. Unknown,
    No habla espanol, darling!

  28. I just want to know why he did it


  29. To All Recent Unknowns,

    He did it specifically because he
    coveted what his friend Kevin had--
    an allegedly perfect family, a promising
    future, which he wanted but did not have,.
    In one word, the answer was Envy.

    But behind that Envy was sociopathy,
    self-loathing, and the same for his family.

  30. Are you sure about that?
    Or is it just your opinion?
    If you know a source could you give it to me
    From what i have read, your friend
    Knows why she did it but she still hasnt answered my questions
    If you know something else please tell me


  31. Ashly,
    I am sure, but, to be honest, it
    is conjecture. But based on the programs
    I have seen and the book I read, both which
    allude to this idea.

    Sorry, but I don't have any sources. Anyone
    can comment on here, and I welcome it, but
    the person writing she knew Alex--she and I
    do not actually know each other.

    And consider--Alex may have shown a better
    side of himself. I am sure the whole thing
    was upsetting to her, too.

    Nevertheless, if info should come my way,
    I will pass it on. Thanks!


  32. Controlled Mania,
    You have said this before, darling!


  33. Controlled Mania,
    Listen, bitch, I just reread the post
    in case it needed to be fixed. I use
    Alec throughout. So don't go trying
    to sell me this cheap bill of goods
    about how you knew him and what he
    was really like. Yo Mama!

  34. What? The following is your post from May 24. It says Alex.

    I am sure, but, to be honest, it
    is conjecture. But based on the programs
    I have seen and the book I read, both which
    allude to this idea.

    Sorry, but I don't have any sources. Anyone
    can comment on here, and I welcome it, but
    the person writing she knew Alex--she and I
    do not actually know each other.

    And consider--Alex may have shown a better
    side of himself. I am sure the whole thing
    was upsetting to her, too.

    Nevertheless, if info should come my way,
    I will pass it on. Thanks!
    May 24, 2020 at 9:17 AM


  35. Controlled Mania,

    I will fix that post.
    I thought you meant my
    original post, where I
    used Alec all the way


  36. Controlled Mania,
    You are correct.
    Unfortunately, comments cannot
    be corrected once posted. I have
    tried before. But my post on the
    case does refer to him as Alec!
